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Atelier Art


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I just purchased this at a convention and am very excited about using it this Fall with my kids. However, I'm really wondering if I bought the right level. My kids will turn 7 and 9 by this November and I was really encouraged to get level 4 by the man working the Atelier booth. I was leaning towards level 3 because my son has fine motor issues and a lower aptitude for art, but was told that level 5 would actually be best for a 9 year old and he was only recommending 4 because of the motor issues my son has.


Am I going to regret this choice? I know nothing about art but when I look through this level, I know there is going to be some frustration for my son. Maybe that would have been the case no matter what level we used though?


Any advice is welcome and appreciated!



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You already purchased it and I am sure you will make it work fine. The projects your son has struggles with, just give him the extra help he needs.


From using levels 3-5 in a co-op setting, I think starting at level 3 (even for your 9 year old) would have been fine. :) My 8 year old used 3 and enjoyed it. Honestly, I think I could used level 3 with my 12 year old as well and she would enjoy it. :D


You may find some activities challenging for you 7 year old in level 4 (I encountered problems with a couple children). The activities the children in my class found extremely frustrating were contour drawing and sometimes the blending/splattering of water colors.


It is nothing you can't work through with and for the most part your son will do fine with Level 4.


My own personal opinion, I don't think any of the projects are age based related. I think kids of all ages could enjoy all the project. The thing that interferes with this is the ages of the kids on the videos. Some kids don't like the idea of doing the same project as kids much younger than them.


Also as the levels go up, the same techniques are encountered, just at a higher level of difficulty. It is always building on technique throughout the program.


I just LOVE Atelier! :)


BTW, if you wanted to, could you call and switch the levels? I am not saying you should, but only if you are feeling like you might want to go down a level. Is that a possiblity?

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Thank you, Tina! This really confirms what my gut was telling me. I just don't understand why the Atelier representative was so interested in pushing me into level 4, especially since their age chart shows that level 3 would have been perfectly appropriate for both my children.


Anyway, I was told I could exchange the level if I got it home and felt it would be too much. I think I will do that, but I'm sure I'll have to pay shipping. I am not thrilled about that.


Thank you so much for your input.



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I was leaning towards level 3 because my son has fine motor issues and a lower aptitude for art, but was told that level 5 would actually be best for a 9 year old and he was only recommending 4 because of the motor issues my son has.



I agree with Lisa in WA. I chose Atelier because of her infectious love for it:001_smile: She recommended Level 3 to me. I completed 3A with a 5 yod, 8yod and 9yod. I was perfect for ALL 3 of them. I ended up loving it so much that I bought 3B,3c and 4A for the following school year. My 9 yod has loved it, I am really happy I went with level 3.

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