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Which cuisinaire rods are best

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There are plastic "connecting cuisinaire rods" that are etched in 1 cm increments. I like the incremental marks on one side because it might make it easier for my dc understand the quantity. However they have connecting ends like Legos, so there is a protrusion on the end distorting the length a bit. Then there are the "smooth cuisinaire rods" without any incremental markings. They don't connect. Their ends are flat so the lengths are precise (no confusing protrusion at the end). I would love it if the smooth ones had some incremental markings. Which ones would you buy? We are buying them to help with Singapore Math 1a. We just started the program and after just one week stumbled unprepared into number bonds. I'm planning to take a break and just play games to solidify overall number/quantity sense. I think these rods could be very helpful.

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I had the plastic connecting rods, they are "icky", we didn't use them.


I bought a set of wood rods and we love them. I bought the smallish set (72 rods?) because they were on Amazon Prime. If I were buying from somewhere else (like RR), I would buy the big set. Though, we do fine with the small set.

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We have both. DS6 preferred the plastic ones because of the markings (but only used the rods for a little while anyway). He's advanced in math now by multiple years, so I doubt either the scoring / lack thereof or protrusions at the end can have messed him up. :) Like you, I don't like the protrusions at the end-- if I had to do it over again, and wanted the markings, I'd simply use the wooden ones and score them. Purists apparently don't like the score marks anyway, feeling that it takes away one of the good points of the rods, the consideration of a number as a number without the need to count.

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I prefer the wooden ones, too. Our set was a bit short on the white cubes when I bought it, so I called the company to get some replacements. They sent me some wooden and some plastic (apparently they were out of the wooden). Anyway, in comparing the two, I think the wooden ones are easier to grasp, and they are slightly heavier than the plastic so they stay where you put them a little better.

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The linking ones are an abomination and should not be called Cuisenaire Rods (because they ain't).


Use the real thing.


I prefer the plastic classic C Rods to the wood ones, but either are fine. The "linking" things are not.




ETA: 155 set at minimum.




My friend had the wood ones so I was finally able to compare the two together. I don't know how this is possible but to me the plastic ones felt more like wood than the wood ones. :001_huh: I much prefer my plastic set.

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Spy Car, why do you like the plastic better? Just curious. :001_smile:


The "plastic" ones aren't really plastic so much as some sort of extruded colored foam (not that that sounds attractive :D). But the truth is the material is vividly colored, color-fast, there is a nice density to the materials (more dense than light wood), and the texture feels like wood.


The wood ones are made of a sort light wood. If they were solid hardwood I would be of a different mind, as I'm as much of a natural product loving old-hippie type as anyone (especially when it comes to children's things). It surprises me a prefer "plastic."


Truth told I was hunting for wood ones when I bought mine. But plastic were the only option locally, and I went with what I could get immediately. Only later when I come across wood ones did I realize how much I preferred the plastic ones. It may sound strange but the wood ones seem "cheap" compared with the plastic. And the "twack" of the plastic ones slapping on a table is more satisfyingly wood-like than that of the light-weight wood ones.


But either is a million times more preferable to the linking version with scored units that someone had the temerity to label "Cusienaire Rods." Georges Cuisenaire must be spinning in his grave.



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