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Cross post about MEP


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Yes, another MEP question. Is it possible to use MEP as a supplement, and, if so, how do you do it? It seems so FULL that I can't imagine using it just part time. We do not have the time to devote to another complete math curriculum. But MEP seems like just the thing to supplement what we are currently using.


Also if you are starting your child in MEP for the first time (other than about 2 weeks you spent on it last year :tongue_smilie:) would you just place them in the appropriate year of their grade level? One of my girls is advanced in math and the other is average.


Thanks a bunch!

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I use MEP as a supplement with my advanced math kiddo by using the student practice book and picking out the "puzzle" problems for her to do. I skip the drill problems (unless I feel she needs some practice with facts). We use it mainly when we want to change stuff up so we don't have it scheduled or anything.

Edited by MissKNG
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Great idea! Thanks!!


I am just mainly trying to get my girls to see math in a different light. They are learning and understanding, so I'm not worried about that. It's mainly just that I want them to know there is more than one way to do math, ya know?


Any thoughts on placement?

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