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Khan Academy - order of videos

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I read on the Khan Academy website that students who log in start at basic arithmetic and work from there. While I think that's great, I'd like to have my student work at a more advanced level to practice the more recent material NOW. First, will it allow that; and second, will it still "count" that more advanced work if the more basic exercises haven't been worked yet? Thanks for any input.


ETA: I realize my student could work at any level we chose without logging in, but I want to be able to use their tracking feature to show dh, and logging in is required for that.

Edited by klmama
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You can start anywhere. Create your own account as a coach, then the students can add you as their coach. Under the Vital Statistics for each student, look at their Exercise Progress. This has all the math activities is the order Khan Academy places them (roughly). You could pick where you want them to start and go from there.


HOWEVER, I do really like the idea of starting from scratch. Here's what we did. I pulled my twins from public school at beginning of the 4th quarter of 7th grade. Pre-Algebra was a disaster and I wasn't sure where to start them. So I started them at the very beginning. The cool thing with starting at the beginning is that all the exercises feed into the next level but you only need to get 10 correct in a row to be considered "proficient" and move to the next item. So the early levels go quickly and you can catch little areas that need work that you might not have otherwise realized.


The system recommends, in green, the next exercises your student is ready to take. Every once in a while an older exercise will show orange for review. If the student answers the first question correctly, the review is done. If they get it wrong they get another chance. If wrong again the system recommends a video and then the student must get a streak of 10 to prove proficiency again.


My girls basically started with 2+2 and finished through the Pre-Algebra Challenge in about 3 months, working an hour a day.


It really is an amazing program. We've been using it again in December because we've been so busy with Christmas and have kept our textbooks on the shelf. I think we'll continue with one day a week in Khan.


Good luck. There is a great video about how the software works. Watch this if you haven't already.



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