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Medical advice needed - sorry got long

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okay, I'll try and make sense here. My dad went into the hospital two weeks ago feeling like he had another bout with pneumonia. He had been in the hospital previously for this about 6 weeks before. As a precaution they had you putting on gowns before you visited with him. He was not in good shape for a long time, he has congestive heart failure and with the death a few weeks before of my brother he was very vulnerable. About four days after he was admitted to the hospital they diagnosed him with staph pneumonia and switched his antibiotic. He was on this for a week. They have recently moved him to a rehabilitation hospital for physical therapy so he can regain his strength. He is doing much better. When I talked to his doctor about the staph pneumonia I questioned him at great length about it being contagious. He assured me that no one was at risk. He said it was not airborne, but contact. So in visiting my dad no contact was made, I wore the gown, washed my hands with the purell things they have all over the hospital and washed again with soap and water.


Okay, now that I will get to my concern. About a week ago, I developed what I thought were cold sores on my upper lip and right below my lower lip. I get them all the time. I realized last night that something was different about these. They just aren't healing like usual. So I did some checking online and came up with impetigo. Which is caused by staph and strep. So, am I being paranoid or not. I'm not sure where to go to get them checked out. I currently don't have a general doctor. What does the hive think?

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okay, I'll try and make sense here. My dad went into the hospital two weeks ago feeling like he had another bout with pneumonia. He had been in the hospital previously for this about 6 weeks before. As a precaution they had you putting on gowns before you visited with him. He was not in good shape for a long time, he has congestive heart failure and with the death a few weeks before of my brother he was very vulnerable. About four days after he was admitted to the hospital they diagnosed him with staph pneumonia and switched his antibiotic. He was on this for a week. They have recently moved him to a rehabilitation hospital for physical therapy so he can regain his strength. He is doing much better. When I talked to his doctor about the staph pneumonia I questioned him at great length about it being contagious. He assured me that no one was at risk. He said it was not airborne, but contact. So in visiting my dad no contact was made, I wore the gown, washed my hands with the purell things they have all over the hospital and washed again with soap and water.


Okay, now that I will get to my concern. About a week ago, I developed what I thought were cold sores on my upper lip and right below my lower lip. I get them all the time. I realized last night that something was different about these. They just aren't healing like usual. So I did some checking online and came up with impetigo. Which is caused by staph and strep. So, am I being paranoid or not. I'm not sure where to go to get them checked out. I currently don't have a general doctor. What does the hive think?

Impetigo is super contagious, so if you think you have that, go get it checked out. Do you have an urgent care nearby or even one of the drugstore clinics? You may not have gotten it from your father, but from the hospital in general--or from another humdrum source in the environment and it is just a coincidence.

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My son has a sore on his chin that started as a small red dot and had developed in to a larger pink patch that is not healing very well. It has some crusty yellow/green stuff on it. After some searching I think that it might be impetigo.


I cannot get an appointment before we leave for vacation. So I guess I will find somewhere to take him while we are gone. I hope it heals up so we don't have to go to the doctor.


Hope you get better soon. Sorry your dad has been so sick.

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