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Want to play a photo game?

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Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to take five pictures today of things in your house that go with these themes and then post them here:


Something that is alive.

Something that needs to be fixed.

Something that is loved or cherished.

Something you want to get rid of.

And something totally random of your choosing.


Anyone want to play along? :)

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Nance, you come up with the best ideas!


Something that is alive: Our 5 month old Akita puppy, Tenshi

Something that needs to be fixed: Moo, Baa, La La La -- this book is 17 years old...and could count in the loved catagory

Something that is loved or cherished: Tea Cup my mom bought for me when we lived in England for a few months (I was a baby)

Something you want to get rid of: Our library book storage system...not the books! Just the boxes!

And something totally random of your choosing: A short Storm Trooper











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Okay, here's mine! :)


Something that is alive: Turtles!


Something that needs to be fixed: My 11 y/o's dresser. Somehow she totally broke the tracking that the drawer is supposed to slide into. My husband assures me he will fix it. Somehow. Eventually.


Something that is loved or cherished: The very first picture my son ever made that was more than just a scribble. He said it was Daddy. Aww.


Something you want to get rid of: The ugly, broken down awning things that are hanging over my bedroom windows. They came with the house when we bought it like five years ago. I keep saying I want to tear them down and put up something more modern like shutters (are shutters modern anymore? lol. I don't know. But they'd look better than these things). One of these days.


And something random of your choosing: Smurfs! When I was a kid, I LOVED Smurfs. And I had a whole, huge Smurf figurine collection. Every single time I had some spare money, I would walk to this one stationary type store and buy a new figurine (I think they cost like $3 something each back then). I played with them in this huge dollhouse my sister made me, in the bathtub, in the backyard, everywhere. And one day my brothers went and sold them at a yard sale behind my back. I never quite forgave them. I told my husband that story one day and do you know what that man did? He started buying me Smurfs online. Love him. :D

Edited by NanceXToo
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Okay, here we go!


Something alive: Mixed herbs growing in a pot, a recent present from a friend.

Something that needs to be fixed: Our new house has aluminum windows, and they "weep" moisture when it's cold outside. (Too bad our house inspection was in the summer.) We need to save up for replacement windows, I guess.

Something cherished: My husband made this Christmas ornament when he was a little boy.

Something you want to get rid of: DIAPERS. 'Nuff said.

Something random: Our beautiful screened porch - my favorite thing about our new house. When the weather warms up, you guys should all come over and hang out with me here.

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Somethings Alive: Our cat Binx. We have a hamster too, but he's buried under shavings.


Something Cherished or loved: My daughter's blankie that I made for her. See her crying as I hold it up for the pic. :tongue_smilie:


Something that needs to be fixed: The fan in the bathroom. Still waiting.

Something I want to get rid of: The Christmas tree. I'm tired of it taking up all the room in the living room.

Something I chose: I just baked an apple pie that in the oven now. I'm prepping and freezing my Christmas dinner foods today, which I'll thaw on Friday.











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Something that is alive: My Dh lol. He worked until nearly 1AM last night and is taking a nap before going to work this afternoon.



Something that is loved or cherished: My oldest DD and her stuffed puppy, "Einstein." She's had him since she was 8 months old (she's almost 6 now). He goes everywhere with her and she sleeps with him still.


Something that needs to be fixed: My DS's favorite "tram truck." That's what he calls monster trucks, not sure why. The wheels came off after a rough play session and we're waiting for Daddy to fix it.....after the nap. :tongue_smilie:


Something you want to get rid of: This bag and box of stuff that I've been meaning to haul off to Goodwill for weeks now. They are taking up room in my hallway.


And something totally random of your choosing: An ornament my kids made for our Jesse tree. It's a manger with the baby Jesus in it. :)











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Nance -- so sweet about your dh & the Smurfs!


Rivka -- I'm with you on the diapers! First, I have to be sure the puppy is trained, then I'll be able to concentrate on the toddler!


Mary -- My ds11 is very impressed with the stars on the pie!


Dustybug -- Your dd & her stuffed puppy are adorable! Did you get the bags to Goodwill?


WendyK -- Legos and laptops...love it! I also love the X picture and am glad you still have it, even though it isn't your avatar anymore.


Anyone else got pictures to share? :) It's more fun than what you should be doing. At least, it's more fun than what I should be doing! :lol:

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