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Problems with my Nutri Mill

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For those of you who have a Nutri Mill, please read...


I love the flour that my Nutri Mill makes, but OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS it is hard for me to use! I have had mine since May and used it at least a dozen times. But you know the lid that goes on the bottom reservoir that holds the flour after it is ground? I have SUCH a hard time getting that lid on and off! I always put some fine flour around the edges to try to make the lid a little more slippery, but it still takes at least 10 minutes to get on and off. Honestly, I can't do it--I have to have my hubby do it. I want to make flour and homemade bread more often, but I am getting so discouraged! Any advice? I know a lot of you have the Nutri Mill....

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Well, I don't know if I'm doing what I'm supposed to with it, but I don't actually wash mine out after I grind flour every time. So it's coated with quite a bit of flour and isn't that hard to turn. I know when I do wash it occasionally, it's much harder to twist off and on.

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Well, I don't know if I'm doing what I'm supposed to with it, but I don't actually wash mine out after I grind flour every time. So it's coated with quite a bit of flour and isn't that hard to turn. I know when I do wash it occasionally, it's much harder to twist off and on.


:iagree: When I don't wash it out each time it just gets easier and easier to open, then I go and wash it and I'm back to it being tough to open. I've never had it take 10 minutes though.

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