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Does anyone have experience with Ematic electronics products? Or Kobo e-reading?

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I just ran across this:


I was hoping for a backlit e-reader for one of my dc who likes to read in bed at night but couldn't spring for the Nook Color.

I don't know anything about this company, but, at this price, it's tempting.



P.S. I have a Sony ebook reader that reads epub, so I'm aware that this discounts B&N and Amazon as book suppliers. Unless that's changed?

Edited by BamaTanya
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I don't have any experience with ereaders, but I do have an Ematic mp3 player. It works well, but it's nothing fancy, no bells and whistles. It just gets the job done. When I read reviews, lots of people liked the Ematic products because they were cheap enough to give to kids, but not so cheap as to be a waste of money.

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I have that E-matic e-reader, only in pink, and I like it just fine. It does not have the e-ink, so it could be hard on the eyes, and its volume for mp3s is pretty low. But it does the job fine; I use it mainly for the kids' schoolbooks occasionally and for pdfs of knitting patterns, and it works fine for those. The color actually seems to be pretty good, so watching videos might be fairly decent. I've not seen any other e-readers, though, so IDK how it compares to them. It does not appear that it can be used to borrow library books.

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