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Please help with my menu!

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I'm planning a book club party on Tuesday evening. The theme is British food because we are reading The Hounds of the Baskervilles. The food doesn't have to be British though.


So far I've got:





Egg Salad Sandwiches

Cucumber Sandwiches


and ????


What can I add to make this a full meal? A side dish? Fruit? Soup? It has to be vegetarian and most of the vegetable soup recipes I have are not vegetarian (go figure!). I do have a really good cinnamon cooked apple/applesauce recipe that I could make but that still seems like it's too light for dinner.



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I would add some kind of fruit. A trifle would be good, or a crumble, or any of the numerous British fruit desserts.


The cake could be a Victoria Sponge.


The meal you're planning is what I would have called "tea" growing up, and would typically have been eaten the evening after a large noon meal. Honestly, though, there's a lot of food/calories in what you've got listed, so add the fruit and you should be fine.

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