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My ds16 may HS one year - need help with plans, ASAP!

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We are most probably moving to China February 2012. I have been frantically making plans and purchasing curriculum and reading books for my kids for the past couple of weeks. I've been trying to get 2 years worth of everything. Well, if looks like my stepson who is half way through 10th grade may be joining us. We had thought he would just want to spend summers (and he might still do that), but now he's considering making the move with us. It will be a blessing to have him, yet stressful to suddenly jump up and start teaching high school.

Here's the info: He's in the 10th grade (on the block schedule). I know he has taken Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, Health, English (I think 1 and 2) - I'm not sure about any history yet. I will verify all of this with him. He was in football last year, and that took up a great chunk of his day. He's really into math.


So, if you had to make fast decisions, taking into consideration that I've only almost worked my way up to 5th grade, what would you pick for each subject. Will you please list out like: Science = blah, blah.

I just need to start making some list and reviewing books - ASAP.


Thanks so much!

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We are most probably moving to China February 2012. I have been frantically making plans and purchasing curriculum and reading books for my kids for the past couple of weeks. I've been trying to get 2 years worth of everything. Well, if looks like my stepson who is half way through 10th grade may be joining us. We had thought he would just want to spend summers (and he might still do that), but now he's considering making the move with us. It will be a blessing to have him, yet stressful to suddenly jump up and start teaching high school.

Here's the info: He's in the 10th grade (on the block schedule). I know he has taken Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, Health, English (I think 1 and 2) - I'm not sure about any history yet. I will verify all of this with him. He was in football last year, and that took up a great chunk of his day. He's really into math.


So, if you had to make fast decisions, taking into consideration that I've only almost worked my way up to 5th grade, what would you pick for each subject. Will you please list out like: Science = blah, blah.

I just need to start making some list and reviewing books - ASAP.


Thanks so much!


If there is a chance that your stepson won't stay beyond one year and will want to return to public high school, I would first call his current high school. Explain the situation and ask what requirements they'll have to put his next year's credits onto their transcript.


Some high schools require that transfer credits be from an accredited school. Also, find out what is required for a diploma from his current school. Choose classes which will meet the requirements of the school he is currently attending for graduation. Then, if accreditation is required in order to transfer credits to his current school (and it often is) I would look into accredited online schools. There are a number to choose from and they will preserve options for your stepson.


I would be careful to preserve options, but that's my nature.

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most PS schools will NOT accept homeschool credits.


Ask what correspondence schools they WILL accept-- there are several that are accredited through STATES (not private schools).


Public schools have no obligation to accept credits from homeschools or private schools... they usually accept credit transfers from other public schools pretty easily.


It would be a shame for him to go with you and not have his credits accepted at his current school.

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Have you considered something like Indiana University High School? It is a distance program that is accredited. You could even check with your dss's current school to see if they have any course recommendations.


Here is the link: http://iuhighschool.iu.edu/


You may want to check with his current school anyway. You may be surprised to find they have a distance learning option in place for that district. They are becoming more common.

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Thank you all so much! I do think that if he does come, that it will just be for his 11th grade year, b/c his mom WILL want him to graduate -- or at least I would think so. I will definitely look into some programs and ask the advice of his school. Thanks for bringing this up!

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