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Is anyone else wanting to use Homeschool in the Woods New world Explorers


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and Colonial Life and American Revolution? I'm trying to decide how do approach next year and I really want more US history than SOTW 3, but I don't know what I would do for a spine. Tapestry of Grace isn't an option currently because I am doing this with a group of kids grades 2-5. Is anyone using VP as a spine, or something else. I have some great literature from Yesterday's Classics, but I have to decide if I'm going to dump world history and focus more on US, or if I'm going to try to do it all... which obviously won't work. I make a notebook every year with my children's narrations etc. and this last year I did is straight off of SOTW2.... I'm so torn here though.

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I already own the Explorers CD and we are starting it next week. I decided to dive into it because we are visiting Florida in a few weeks and my parents live close to St. Augustine. I figured, why not? We can go check out where the Spanish explorers landed as part of our studies.


I'm going order the Colonial one and we'll start that later this summer. We're also going to visit Jamestown and Colonial Williamsburg. I LOVE to incorporate our studies into trips, so this will work out well. We'll carry our Colonial studies into the Fall and then move into the Revolutionary period after that. We are only in New England for a short time and I want to be able to take the kids to see the great sites up here.


I know this might sound like a lot, but we are ALSO plugging along in our SOTW studies. Or should I say, starting, as this Fall is really our first official go at homeschooling. We've been HS'ing since January, but we've been doing History-lite as we got into the groove. Next year we're going crazy with history!

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oh, I want to so badly. I'm going to be getting the Explorers for this year...we're doing SOTW 2 and some of 3. If we get to where I want to next spring/summer, I think I will spring for the Colonial/Revolutionary ones. It is so hard for me to put 30 bucks on just one extra like that, especially when the History Pockets are cheaper.....but TT just looks awesome and so much fun. If the goal is for me to get my kids to think history is fun and exciting and love to learn about it, TT seems way better than HP and so then it's easier to spend the money on it. I can't wait to get it and look at it!!

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Yes, I think the New Explorer project looks great!

I am going to use it with DD who will be in sixth grade and we will do it at the end of next year as we will be on Year 2 of STOW. I use STOW on Monday's as an introduction. Wed. we use KFE and practice outlining, and time-line. We also use library books. On Friday we either do an extra ch. of STOW or an activity. I will probably use the New Explorers as activities and continue with STOW on the Mondays when useing the Explorers.

If you are working with other families I would get a feel of what direction the parents want to go in. If they are your own children only, I would go with their interests and together preview what would be studied for US and World.

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the other books I'm using besides SOTW for the explorers part, are Jean Fritz books that my library has, some books from the famous explorer series that my library has, the Maya/Aztec/Inca Hands-on Activity book from RR, and for the canadian/great lakes explorers, I'm also going to use Paddle-to-the-Sea.

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and we really loved it here. I will say that the time travelers are unit studies on a particular topic. So, if you pick colonial life, you will study that topic for a month or however long you want really. There is too much in the cd to do EVERYTHING in a month. My daughter and I wanted to do it all so we scheduled it for 2 months. Also, it was ALOT of work. It was a lot of printing for me and preparing the lessons. Amy Pak's work is gorgeous and I think it was SO worth it, but I was literally working for an hour or more (everyday) just prepping or helping my daughter with the work. And, we did it everyday. Any of the Time Travelers cd would be a nice complement to the study of American history.


My daughter and I also are doing SOTW3. I just stopped our study of it when we came to the period of history that colonial life started at. I've heard other mothers that pick an activity from the cd when they get to that particular topic or person, instead of doing it as a unit study.


We also stopped SOTW3 when we came to Lewis and Clark. We did our own lapbook and concentrated on the expedition for 3 weeks. We still have 8 chapters to go in the book, and I've opted to do the rest as a read aloud, instead of a formal study.


Also, most of the read alouds and literature selections for this year were centered around American history too.


I don't know if this is the answer you were looking for, but I hope it helps your planning!

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It is so hard for me to put 30 bucks on just one extra like that, especially when the History Pockets are cheaper.....but TT just looks awesome and so much fun.


It is expensive, but it can be used in so many different ways! There are SO much on these cds that you can't do everything in your studies. There are great suggestions for crafts and those can be saved for rainy day activities or weekends or whatever. And, Amy Pak's art work is so gorgeous. You could use your cd to print off figures for timelines, notebooking pages, whatever! And, she had REALLY cool lapbook folds that could be used in other projects as well.


After we were done with colonial life, I sold my copy on the for sale board. But, now I wish I had kept it so I could pull it out and do some of the things we didn't get around to in our studies. We never made the apple head dolls or the cross stitch sampler . . .


Just a note to say your money will be well spent! And, they pop up on the for sale board every once in a while for cheaper! :)

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We have Colonial Life and plan to use it this summer when we aren't doing math, grammar, etc. If it goes well, we will probably get the American Revolution and Early 19th Century ones too. We are doing year 3 in the cycle this year and are using Biblioplan's America and the World 1600-1850. It schedules SOTW 3 and we will use the AG too, and then we will read most every k-2 and 3+ reader and the family read alouds in Biblioplan. There is just a huge amount of great resources I want to use this year. I have no idea how much we'll really be able to do, but we'll start in a couple of weeks and have a good 11 months to do as much as possible. I know we will love it--history is our favorite subject. Since my dds will be 8 and 5, we will not attempt to do all of the Time Travelers activities, but will pick and choose. We can do more in 4 years.


BTW, does the copyright allow you to sell it used? I was assuming since it is software, you can't do that, but I don't know for sure.

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BTW, does the copyright allow you to sell it used? I was assuming since it is software, you can't do that, but I don't know for sure.


Well, I did sell my cd. And, I don't believe it would be considered software. It isn't anything that you install on your computer. It is more on the line of an electronic book/resource. No where on my cd did I read that I couldn't resell it, or I wouldn't have done so. Now, I have to sell the copyright with the cd. I couldn't make a copy for my personal use and then sell the original.


I've seen lots of cds of various things being sold on these boards, so maybe someone else who has more experience with this that could answer better. Anywhere from Saxon math with dive cds, to Teaching Textbooks, to Teaching Co. dvds, and music cds/tapes have been sold. I would put this teaching resource in the lot with all the others. :)

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My dd6 will be doing SOTW 3 next school year at her co-op. I decided to focus on American History here at home with her and ds4 will tag along.


We will be covering, Explorers, Colonies/Colonial time, Revolution/New Gov. , Westward Expansion/Pioneer etc.


Here is our blog I have a link to what I am doing in Am. His next year on the right hand side if you scroll down. It tells the spines, living books, activites etc. I am not completely done but it will give you an idea.

Piecing this together on my own with lots of help from the internet.





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