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High School Biology in Your Home

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after reading Kelley's thread about a living books approach to biology, I went to the website for this program. It looks so interesting, and based on what I read on the site, a good fit for my dd next year. However, I would like to hear from anyone who has actually used this program, pros, cons, are you going to continue with the series?, etc. Any insight is greatly appreciated.


LauraD in MN

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  • 1 month later...

I asked my son to research biology programs and pick one he would like to use. This is the one he picked.


It scares me frankly because there's so little commentary but in a bigger way is very exciting to me. He wants to do his own research and formulate his own opinions instead of reading someone else's in a textbook (Apologia).


I would love to hear btdt experiences...we're just in the looking stage.


I printed out the sample research sheet and he wants to go to the library tomorrow and "prove" he can do this program.

Wow. How's that already for enthusiasm AND initiative - two things I've been desperately hoping to see this year from this guy.

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I haven't actually used it yet, my dd will be starting it bright and early tomorrow morning. The program scares me also because it's so open compared to a textbook but I have explained to my dc that I'm setting the bar very high and if their work isn't up to par for a week, then they will continue to work on that week until it is complete to my expectations. One thing I really like is all the dissecting in Biology. We have all our specimans and she is excited (except about the sheep pluck - it looks really disgusting).


I will say, that if you have any quesitons, the author is very quick at answering questions and seems to be very willing to help. I've emailed her with several questions over the past few weeks and have had very quick, gracious and thorough replies from her.


As far as enthusiasm and initiative go, that's what sold me on the program. It's the first time either of my oldest have been this excited about science and isn't that what we all want to see? The author told me that she thinks all the dissection and research allows them to "own" their work rather than just absorbing what someone else knows.

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  • 4 weeks later...

We are looking into this for our High School Biology. We have always used a more whole book approach and I was about to resign to using textbooks for science, but wasn't really excited about what I was finding. This seems like it might fit us well. How is it going for all of you who are using "High School Biology in Your Home"?

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