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Family Photos Lane

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I just finished trying to have portraits taken of my three boys. I got pictures with wiggles, falling baby, strange expressions, talking boys, hair in eyes, looking away, tongue sticking out, back to the camera, closed eyes, etc.. I've seen families give their relatives the cutest pictures. How do they do it? Mine are not fit to be seen. If you have advice my boys are 5, 2, and 5 months. Thank God for free sitting fees. If you have a funny story share it. Then I'll know we're not the only ones struggling to smile for the camera.

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I was probably a bad Mom, but when mine were 5 and 2, I would bribe them with candy.


I only used 1-2 (at the most) rolls of Smarties (American pressed sugar) for the entire photo shoot. If they smiled and looked at the camera, I would give them 1 piece.


My son was very wiggly, but I remember what worked best. I would have him hold 1-2 tiny pieces in his fist and then tell him that he could have them if he smiled for me (I was the photographer in an outdoor setting). He would give me the best smiles - like he had a secret and was about to burst.

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Ah yes, the period of life in which you simply hope that everyone can be SEEN in the photo :D


We had ours done a few weeks ago. My 8 yo son was being a huge pain and refusing to smile or look at the camera. My 3 yo daughter had a brief nap in the car, just enough to render her completely grumpy and uncooperative. My 6 yo daughter can belch like large, drunk man, so my husband asked her to put her. . . er. . . skills. . . to use, and it worked like magic. Natural grins out of the other two. The photographer was laughing so hard :lol:

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When my kids were 5 and 2, I had a quirky 5 yo who wouldn't even let you take a picture on a normal day.

He got: A new book from the bookstore, any one he wanted. He got dinner at McDonald's-including a milk shake. A candy bar from the store and a trip to his favorite museum.

I got cute pictures. The first few he had glistening tears in his eyes. But, he started smiling for a few. Ugh. It was a nightmare. My hair was flat because I was sweating like a dang pig because I was so stressed about the dumb pictures. The photographer was very patient and sweet.

At 3, I wanted pics with his newborn brother and didn't get them. I didn't bribe enough, I guess.

We're going to get pictures done next Saturday. All I have to say is that they are old enough to behave and smile with no bribes.....but I will if I have to. :)

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