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WWE 3 going too fast for ds9


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We are 3/4 way through and I am feeling like the exercises are getting way ahead of him and he can't keep up. He is not grasping the more detailed questions and struggles with the dictation. Any suggestions? Thanks!


He did well with WWE 1 and 2 and does well with FLL's.


Should I consider a remedial writing program? I don't want him to be frustrated with writing every time.


Thanks again!

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If it was just dictations I would probably just break them down a little more, or find my own dictation passages from other books, about the level he was when he started having trouble, plus maybe a bit more for challenge.


Since it is both, I might consider taking a break for a few weeks and finding my own passages about the length and complexity of where he stalled out.


I am doing that right now with a child that is having trouble with narrations near the end of WWE1. I'm keeping him at a more comfortable level for him, to build some confidence before we move on. For my 9 yo we have recently had to modify WWE4 dictations. About halfway through the book they just became overwhelming.

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I'm not a big fan of all the reading selections in WWE3. They are either too long, dry, or my girls have no interest in the topic. Feel free to improvise with your own reading materials from history/science/lit/etc.


Dd8 has a fantastic memory but really struggles with long dictations. I don't worry too much since my older dc never did dictations and are great writers.

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My ds9 ran into the same problems. I also found the narration guidance was too broad for the length of the passages. We still use WWE practices for history and science, but we don't use the WWE3 anymore for school. My ds reads the passages to see if he wants to borrow the book from the library. There are great literature selections in WWE.

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I usually read through with dd first and discuss any new words and concepts, then let her read silently. Then I ask the questions. If she struggles with a lot of these, I let her read again.


If she has trouble with the narration, I use the questions provided. She often wants to put in too much detail.


I sometimes break the dictation down if she is having trouble remembering it all after several repetitions.

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I'm not a big fan of all the reading selections in WWE3. They are either too long, dry, or my girls have no interest in the topic. Feel free to improvise with your own reading materials from history/science/lit/etc.


Dd8 has a fantastic memory but really struggles with long dictations. I don't worry too much since my older dc never did dictations and are great writers.


Is it advisable to use the workbook as a guide if I choose passages? I am thinking I will do selections from the workbook, but use our read alouds or history or something if the workbook selections are too difficult. In WWE2 workbook, I can see how I could choose selections just by using the week by week guide, quotations, contractions, etc.

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Is it advisable to use the workbook as a guide if I choose passages? I am thinking I will do selections from the workbook, but use our read alouds or history or something if the workbook selections are too difficult. In WWE2 workbook, I can see how I could choose selections just by using the week by week guide, quotations, contractions, etc.


Do you own the WWE text? It explains how to use the program with your own resources.

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