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"Digit Sums" ---Why?


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What everyone else said + factoring!


So, you can see if something is divisible by 3 or 9 if the digit sum is divisible by 3 or 9, respectively. Also, if a number is even and divisible by 3, it is divisible by 6.


Good, easy rule of thumb. (Some of this comes in handy when dealing with finding the least common denominator for fractions & reducing fractions.)

Edited by RootAnn
Added the fractions statement
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So, apparently the way CLE teaches it is not entirely accurate! According to my super computing friend, the examples given are NOT digit sums, but digital roots, which, he says, are not very useful past divisibility tests.


Interesting! It was easy enough to teach them, I just never learned digital roots, so I was confused and worried I had missed something important along the way!


Sigh. Up to this point I have been able to add in a LOT of conceptual learning- not a difficult stretch with CLE's good examples and all the manipulatives we own. I never let my kids do a lesson without me teaching the concept. But, I only taught first grade and we are getting into some hard math. I think I'm going to add Singapore, even if I only use the HIG.

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The 4A HIG (Standards Edition) has a really good explanation of divisibility rules using digit sums, including "why it works". I'm a mathy person, and I learned something new! :D


Awesome. Thanks. I've really liked the examples I've seen of the HIG. I actually was not that impressed with the workbooks (meaning, I don't think there is anything spectacular to the way the workbooks are put together- it's just practice). I do think it would be a good tool to use to balance CLE though, or vise versa. I like the review they get with CLE. My kids need that.

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So, apparently the way CLE teaches it is not entirely accurate! According to my super computing friend, the examples given are NOT digit sums, but digital roots, which, he says, are not very useful past divisibility tests.


Interesting! It was easy enough to teach them, I just never learned digital roots, so I was confused and worried I had missed something important along the way!


Sigh. Up to this point I have been able to add in a LOT of conceptual learning- not a difficult stretch with CLE's good examples and all the manipulatives we own. I never let my kids do a lesson without me teaching the concept. But, I only taught first grade and we are getting into some hard math. I think I'm going to add Singapore, even if I only use the HIG.


I'm confused. Why do you say the way CLE teaches it isn't accurate? It goes into divisibility rules later too.

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I'm confused. Why do you say the way CLE teaches it isn't accurate? It goes into divisibility rules later too.


Apparently the sum of the digits is a digit sum, but adding the digits again is a digital root, something slightly different. Really, it probably makes no difference for the kids, but my friend pointed out that it is technically wrong.




The digit sum of 98 = 17.

The digital root of 98 = 8. (1+7)


CLE calls both of the above a digit sum. The later is actually a digital root, something different. They just basically call two different things the same thing. Again, I don't really think it matters for the kids, but it totally explains why I was confused.


Does that make sense? That was his explanation, anyway.

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I had no idea what a "digital sum" or a "digital root" were.


Then you explained, and lo! I did indeed learn this concept as part of "casting out nines." I found it very useful. (Particularly since I was always losing my calculator. And if you have a calculator, why are you working out the problem in the first place?)


They'd better move onto the application here pretty quickly, though. I can't imagine teaching digital roots without explaining all the work you'll be saving in the future when it comes to checking your work!


Edited to say: Note that you can check addition, subtraction, multiplication, AND division by casting out nines. Just as long as you're working with integers, you're peachy. In fact, my first-grade son learned casting out nines for addition and subtraction this year.

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