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Best meal planning app for iPad

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I searched first but didn't find anything. I am looking for recommendations for easy to use meal planning apps for the iPad. I have used menu mailer from http://www.savingdinner.com in the past and like the format but if there was a similiar app I would prefer that to just using the pdf menu mailers. What I like about the menu mailer Mis that the grocery list is put together for you, the week is planned out, it's affordable and healthy and the recipes taste good but aren't overly complicated. Is there anything like this for the iPad? For those of you who are using a meal planner I would love to know what you like and dislike about the one your using.

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I love mealplanner...basically you enter recipes online then you can add them to the week and it will generate a grocery list. I love that I can have more than 1 meal a day on my planner so I plan breakfast, am snack, lunch, pm snack, and dinner for every day of the week and have just 1 grocery list. It is not a menu mailer you have to find and input your recipes but once you input it then you have it ready to add whenever you want.

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yesterday i posted about plantoeat.com with a code and link. you'll LOVE it. I can't believe how perfect it is. i can view it from all of my computers, my iPad, and my phone. I love the phone shopping list feature too.

Here is my post. I found out it is 19.50 through today.

I thought of another along the lines of what some of you have said about meals -- knowing what we are going to have for dinner and having the ingredients on hand is now so easy bc/ after reading about it on this forum, I joined Plantoeat. So I thought I'd point out that it is half off through tomorrow (Monday 11/28/11) with code *Giving Thanks. *If you sign up through this link, there is some kind of referral program http://www.plantoeat.com/ref/0nal2ekzib

I think it is $19.50 a year with that link and code and totally worthwhile! Importing your recipes is really easy. Then if you double a recipe or triple it, it does all of the compounding for you. And it adds all of the ingredients up together so it totals how many of each thing you need. You can tell it where you want to buy each item and you can add extra items to your list all week. The coolest part for me is you can go to it on your phone and view that shopping list and click off each one as you buy them. They disappear, but you can choose to see them again if needed. As I get links to new recipes, I just hit the import feature and it adds them to my account. I love that! You drag and drop recipes to your calendar and create a meal plan for the day, the next 7 days, a month... or a custom amount of time to shop for. And Clint is always willing to receive input. He is very responsive to questions. I've asked some stupid ones and he has been very kind!

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yesterday i posted about plantoeat.com with a code and link. you'll LOVE it. I can't believe how perfect it is. i can view it from all of my computers, my iPad, and my phone. I love the phone shopping list feature too.

Here is my post. I found out it is 19.50 through today.

I thought of another along the lines of what some of you have said about meals -- knowing what we are going to have for dinner and having the ingredients on hand is now so easy bc/ after reading about it on this forum, I joined Plantoeat. So I thought I'd point out that it is half off through tomorrow (Monday 11/28/11) with code *Giving Thanks. *If you sign up through this link, there is some kind of referral program http://www.plantoeat.com/ref/0nal2ekzib

I think it is $19.50 a year with that link and code and totally worthwhile! Importing your recipes is really easy. Then if you double a recipe or triple it, it does all of the compounding for you. And it adds all of the ingredients up together so it totals how many of each thing you need. You can tell it where you want to buy each item and you can add extra items to your list all week. The coolest part for me is you can go to it on your phone and view that shopping list and click off each one as you buy them. They disappear, but you can choose to see them again if needed. As I get links to new recipes, I just hit the import feature and it adds them to my account. I love that! You drag and drop recipes to your calendar and create a meal plan for the day, the next 7 days, a month... or a custom amount of time to shop for. And Clint is always willing to receive input. He is very responsive to questions. I've asked some stupid ones and he has been very kind!



Oh my goodness YES! this is the very best I have found, and I have tried many!!! It is worth every penny...and the sale right now is too good to be true! Try it out for sure!

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yesterday i posted about plantoeat.com with a code and link. you'll LOVE it. I can't believe how perfect it is. i can view it from all of my computers, my iPad, and my phone. I love the phone shopping list feature too.

Here is my post. I found out it is 19.50 through today.

I thought of another along the lines of what some of you have said about meals -- knowing what we are going to have for dinner and having the ingredients on hand is now so easy bc/ after reading about it on this forum, I joined Plantoeat. So I thought I'd point out that it is half off through tomorrow (Monday 11/28/11) with code *Giving Thanks. *If you sign up through this link, there is some kind of referral program http://www.plantoeat.com/ref/0nal2ekzib

I think it is $19.50 a year with that link and code and totally worthwhile! Importing your recipes is really easy. Then if you double a recipe or triple it, it does all of the compounding for you. And it adds all of the ingredients up together so it totals how many of each thing you need. You can tell it where you want to buy each item and you can add extra items to your list all week. The coolest part for me is you can go to it on your phone and view that shopping list and click off each one as you buy them. They disappear, but you can choose to see them again if needed. As I get links to new recipes, I just hit the import feature and it adds them to my account. I love that! You drag and drop recipes to your calendar and create a meal plan for the day, the next 7 days, a month... or a custom amount of time to shop for. And Clint is always willing to receive input. He is very responsive to questions. I've asked some stupid ones and he has been very kind!


Thanks! I will check it out now.

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