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can you tell me more about progesterone cream for this crabby momma?

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I searched and read for a while. I am unsure how to get tested (Charlotte, NC area) and if this has been effective for you all. I am certainly going through menopause. I missed a cycle for 6 months and then got it again. Since then I haven't gotten it in the last few months. My "books" are killing me and have been for several weeks. And I have felt depressed/quickly angered or irritated for a long, long time now. Will the attitude change when I am through menopause? Should I try the cream? Thanks for your input of how it worked for you!

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Can't answer the 'will it change' question, but I can tell you that for me, the mood symptoms were entirely mitigated by borage oil. This does not work for everyone, but since it is a nutrient and not a drug, it struck me as well worth a try. I have the big capsules--1200mg IIRC--and I take them when I feel unreasonable. However, I started by taking one in the morning and one in the evening starting with day 14 and ending on day 1. 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening are recommmended, but I started small and it worked. They even everything out amazingly for me. What I find is as the month progresses, I use more of them to get the same result, but I don't have to start as early or take as many as before to get the same effect.

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I understand how you feel...I'm not going through menopause but get terrible pms. Progesterone cream made me even more irritable and crabby. It was awful.


What helps me more than anything is taking St. Johns Wort and drinking hot tea with valerian root. Any time I feel irritable, I drink a cup of tea. it helps a lot. Or you can buy valerian root extract at a health food store and use it as a supplement. Sometimes it can make people tired, but valerian has never had that effect on me.

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I would recommend getting some hormone testing and finding out what your levels are. I seem to be entering a pre-menopausal state, and my progesterone levels are 10% of normal. OTC creams are extremely low dose and wouldn't touch it. My SIL was so low in progesterone in her 20's that she required the equivalent of a 30 day supply of OTC cream every day to get into a normal range. Unless you have a very slight imbalance, OTC creams probably won't help much.


I recommend finding a compounding pharmacist who can recommend a dr that prescribes bio-identical hormones. They will see where your levels are and give you bio-identicals to get your levels in the normal range(s). These links can help you find someone to help if you want to go this route:




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What helps me more than anything is taking St. Johns Wort and drinking hot tea with valerian root. Any time I feel irritable, I drink a cup of tea. it helps a lot. Or you can buy valerian root extract at a health food store and use it as a supplement. Sometimes it can make people tired, but valerian has never had that effect on me.


See, this just goes to show how different everyone is. I tried SJW, and it made me FURIOUS. Kind of the opposite of my hoped for result... But others have used it successfully, and I have known people to try borage oil and not feel anything at all. It's very personal.

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I see a dr that is knowledgeable in the use of bioidentical hormones. It has helped me SO. MUCH. I wish I could tell every woman I know to have her hormone levels tested! I use a prescription progesterone cream. I would never go to any other kind of dr. My regular dr pretty much told me it was all in my head.

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I see a dr that is knowledgeable in the use of bioidentical hormones. It has helped me SO. MUCH. I wish I could tell every woman I know to have her hormone levels tested! I use a prescription progesterone cream. I would never go to any other kind of dr. My regular dr pretty much told me it was all in my head.

This is great! There's a website that helps find pharmacies that compound natural cream. The pharmacies can suggest local doctors that work with them. http://www.iacprx.org/site/PageServer?pagename=home_page I can barely find progesterone cream locally so I get Pro-Gest by Emerita in the dosed packets. Try calling your local health food store. Honestly hormone replacement helps alot of women, you just have to find the right balance for you. Look at symptoms for estrogen and progesterone deficiency and go from there. Natural estrogen replacement is possible as well.

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