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arthritis in my ankles?

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Awhile back my Mom commented that I have arthritis in my ankles. She said they were swollen and that was because I had arthritis. I just did not want to hear that and said to myself "yeah, I know, I am fat. They are just swollen."


I think she is right. I've been drinking water, putting my feet up, brushing my skin and they look like an old man's foot. I could just cry. Now I am feeling a bit of stiffness/pain in my ankles AND my wrists.


I need to lose weight.


What else should I do? Could I be having a food allergy? Don't know if food allergies cause joint problems.


Somebody tell me that this will improve and I will have normal looking ankles again.


I have an autoimmune disorder.


Any input. I feel like I am slowly falling apart and the end is near.:crying:

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anything white, and honestly, wheat bothers mine. I have to keep moving during the day or mine will get swollen. It can also be a sign of low potassium. I have digestive issues, so mine swell if I'm not eliminating well (sorry). I have heard that we need to sweat more, so I'm going to give the herb Yarrow a try, soak in the tub and use one of those rough scrub pads to brush my skin. Yarrow is suppose to help you sweat. I have an autoimmune disease also, btw. I'm in a hurry, so apologize for the jumbled thoughts here. Email me if you want to know more.



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I dont know if this will help, but it may. In my old careeer, I was a reflexologist. To help my clients, I would grate fresh ginger put in a mini crock pot for about ten minutes. Than take towel and soak, than wrap whatever area ails you. My arthiritis clients loved it.


Worth a shot,


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Could you be retaining water because of excess salt or some other problem? I don't know if edema could also be caused just by being overweight. Might not hurt to discuss it with your doctor at your next visit. Maybe sooner if it's going to be a long time before your next physical.

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have you had Fifth Disease within the last couple of years? I caught it from my kids when I was almost 40 and it caused a lot of pain in my joints (especially my ankles) for a long time. Eventually it went away, but it took about 2 years. It would seem to me that other (similar) diseases might cause joint pain as well.

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