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Please tell me it will be okay to drop symphonic band

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Unless DD is planning to major in music, I don't think symphonic band is a college entrance requirement-other extra curriculars and volunteer work can show well-roundedness without necessarily involving the same time commitment. And we even occasionally get music majors who drifted away from band/choir in middle school, started studying privately in high school, and were able to make it into the program-so it's not an insurmountable obstacle even then.

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She's only in 7th, so on her applications it won't even show that she "dropped" them - they just won't be listed. Does she enjoy playing her instrument? If she does, then maybe she could just continue with lessons and then she'd have the option of whether to pick up band again later on in high school. I think the time requirement is considerably less for the music lessons than for band or ballet.

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Thanks for the replies. She is in AWANA, which we HOPE she will finish. She also is a competitive swimmer. And, she works as a teacher's' aide in Sunday school. I'm sure she'll find something else to do before she graduates. I have just read that sticking with some activity for a long time is good to show. Maybe teacher's aide or AWANA will work for that. This is her third year playing sax, but she just doesn't have time to practice with swimming taking 2 hours a day.


She has very high goals. As her guidance counselor, I don't want to let her do something that will damage her chances of achieving her goal.

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I have to tell you what I tell all my students. "No one ever regrets sticking with an instrument."


I doubt it will seriously hurt her college aps if she drops band. However if she sticks with it it will help.


My advice would be if she really hates to practice and doesn't like band then, ok, drop it. However, if you can convince her to stick with it, then keep it. It not only is a great extra curricular activity, but learning music can be a very enriching life long endeavor. Putting a few more years in before she quits will do more than boost her college aps.


I would never force a kid to stick with music if they really want to quit. But I would definitely try to convince them to keep it up as long as possible.


I usually have students practice at least 30 minutes a day but often you can get by on 15-20 minutes in a pinch as long as it's consistent. I would try this first before you drop it completely. If it really is too much then don't hesitate. Sheesh competitive swimming is a big deal so don't feel guilty or anything. Still, I can't help but encourage you to keep trying.

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