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Question about Human Odyssey

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If you've used Human Odyssey (the K12) textbook, I have a couple of questions!


1. Can you use just the textbook? I'm seeing it selling used on Amazon and it looks like it's just a textbook. :confused:


2. How many days a week did you have to spend on it to get thru one level in a school year?


3. I read that the textbook included writing assignments? Do you know what kind - like was there outlining, etc?


Thank-you so much for any info!!

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There is a textbook ( http://www.amazon.com/Human-Odyssey-Vol-Prehistory-Through/dp/1931728534/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1321139519&sr=8-2 )which contains all of the history. Then there is a teacher's guide (http://www.amazon.com/Intermediate-World-History-Teacher-Semesters/dp/B002AVQYSE/ref=pd_sim_b_2) and a student guide (http://www.amazon.com/K12-Intermediate-World-History-Semesters/dp/B001BKJ6XU/ref=pd_sim_b_3). THe student guide has outlining, essays, fill in the blank, map work. THe teacher guide has answers to some of the info in the student guide. About half of it, I would wager to guess, is for online stuff you won't have access to. I got mine for $5 so I figured they were worth that price.


The textbook, which I've linked to, does not contain assignments of any kinds. The writing assignments are in the student pages.

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Everything Uhura said is spot on. I just want to add that you can use the textbook without any of the other books. I do own the teacher's book and have never used it for anything. I don't own the student book and don't feel the need.


I can't tell you about getting through it in one year because I am making it follow the 4 year history cycle. So, I started with the first book last year and am still using it. At some point I will need to switch to the second book in the series.

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You can use just the textbook. However, there are no assignments included in it. It is really easy to come up with your own assignments though.


There are 41 chapters in volume 1, 40 chapters in volume 2, and 26 chapters in volume 3. (I'm not including introductions, conclusions, prologues, and epilogues as chapters in these counts.)

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This is all very helpful, thanks!!


I have a couple more questions (sorry!). Was HO the textbook series that SWB co-authored? Or was that just my imagination... Also, what grade does the K12 program start HO?




SWB had something to do with K12's History 1 and 2 (grades 1 and 2), from what I understand. HO is for grades 7-9, though many of us use it for younger kids (I will be starting with a 5th grader next year).

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We use just the textbook, bought used Amazon for like $20. DS who used to hate History loves it now. I make up my own writing assignments, he also narrates the stories, and we have long discussions. As for completing in a year, hmmm..... I didn't think it would be a problem at first, but then we hit the greeks and DS has stalled, because he wants to learn MORE. So we've taken some extra time to learn about Greek gods and heros. He's facinated with Achilles. It's been a lot of fun and I am so thankful to have been turned onto K12 HO. All that said it may not work for your child. In that case it would be a great "guide" as to "what's next?" It's very easy to read, DS is dyslexic and he can read the assignments pretty well. At the same time it doesn't talk down to the kids at all.

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