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How to help GED students with math facts?

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I started volunteering at an adult learning center tutoring math. Some of the students (young adults and older adults) do not know their multiplication facts.


I think about the ways ds and I worked on math facts:

- skip counting music

- writing them out with sidewalk chalk

- Math-It (tedious)


These all seem baby-ish for adults. I do wonder if there might be something out there for an IPOD or cell phone. Since I have neither, I'm kinda clueless.


Anyone happen to have any suggestions?



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Yahtzee. Seriously.


I taught my dd her times tables by playing Yahtzee. She already knew that when her three dice showed the six side, that equaled 18 and when she realized that was really 3x6, she took off with her times tables.


For the higher numbers that go beyond a game of Yahtzee, I just bought more dice and I made a 'game' out of grabbing a handful of dice, shaking them up, and letting them drop on the table. Dd grouped them by number and counted. Eventually, she learned by sight/memory that if there were six dice showing the number six (or "six sixes"), she had 6x6 and that was 36. We created various scenarios this way and it worked wonderfully.

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