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Scheduling Lial's Intro to Algebra

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I'm trying to schedule Lials Intro to Algebra for my dd for 8th grade (next fall). I didn't realize that there was so much material in that book. We covered Lials BCM in 1 1/2 years but she has to finish the algebra in one year. I already planned on having her just do the odds but even then it looks like some lessons will take more than 1 day. The reviews are very long and some would probably take more than 2 days even just doing the odds.


I'd appreciate it if anyone could give me the schedule they used or at least verify that it can be done in one year.


By the way, this book is the same as an algebra 1 book, right? I just want to make sure that she will be able to take geometry freshman year and she'll have to test out of algebra 1.

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My dd started Lial's algebra about a month ago, and I quickly realized that most( but not all) sections will take two days for us to get through. I don't know if we will get done in a year or not, but my dd did comment that she wants to work on math a couple/three days a week through the summer. I am hopeful that if we can stick to that schedule, we will complete the book by the end of 8th grade next May.


LauraD in MN

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My teen did Lial's Beginning Algebra some years back. (I'm not sure how it compares to Lial's Intro to Algebra.) She did far fewer than the odd problems. In that book the problems were divided into groups. I had her do two per group unless there were more than ten problems. In the latter case, I had her do four of the group asking her to do some from the beginning of the group and some from the end. If she missed any problem, I asked her to re-do it and then do another problem from the same group.


Just our approach.




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