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Religious Exemption from Veteran's Day?

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Regarding the original question, it doesn't have to necessarily be religious in orientation. If we had our kids in public school, we'd ask that they not participate in Veteran's Day, and we're atheists. We're not pacifists, either. We just believe in honoring veterans in our own, personal way throughout the year, and we believe that "holidays" like Veteran's Day and Memorial Day are often conflated with other ideas that we do not agree with (hawkishness, whitewashing of military history, veneration of the state, etc.).

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I don't know if Quaker kids would have to be excluded. I could see where some might choose to, but it's my understanding that Quakers weren't automatically exempted from the draft, but were able to do non-combative work for the military. I'm not a Quaker and don't play one on TV, but I don't think their policy of conscientious objection would preclude them from honoring those who did serve. I could be wrong, though.


I just thought about this! My extended family is Quaker. Well, part of it. :-) The great uncles all helped to build the church that we go to for family reunions every other year. (a statement about how old the church is) But we go over July 4 weekend. The church they go to is very patriotic. We sing at least 2 patriotic songs. We've been going there for years and for the past 14, they haven't had a "permanent" minister so it's someone filling in for a few weeks. All of them have been patriotic.

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Don't bait her. We all know what a rah-rah military fan you are.


I may not agree with Bethany on everything, or most things, but she believes what she believes and she certainly doesn't need to explain it or defend it to you, or me, or anyone else here.


ETA: Don't bother asking me if I'm picking on you again, either. I'm taking a board break for a little while. All the baby mania is too sad at the moment considering my niece just delivered a stillborn. No need for killing when dying happens all the time anyway.


I tried to PM you. I am so sorry about your niece. I know how much it hurts your niece and everyone who loves her. Please know that I am thinking of you and her.

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