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short spelling lessons (rule based)

poetic license

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Phonetic Zoo is really good. You get a 15 word list every week that all follow a similar rule. We only do it 3 times a week and it takes about 10 minutes each time. The first day, we review the new words & the rule. The 2nd day I have my son verbally spell each word and if he misses a letter he goes back to the beginning of the word until he can spell it correctly. The third day we do the "test" where he writes each word down as I say it. Any missed words get added to the next week until he shows proficiency.

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:iagree:I second this. This has worked wonderfully for my kids and it takes almost no planning time for me, using the workbooks. Very rule based and the syllabication part (which I thought might be unnecessarily confusing) has turned out to be extremely helpful. It has some dictation already built in, too.

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Is there anyone who has seen both of the following?


Spelling Plus with the optional Spelling Dictation, both by Susan Anthony.





For the How to Spell series, can I get by with the workbooks only and forgo the main manual?

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