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Dramatic literary and/or historical speeches on CD?


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DS *loves* the SOTW CDs and has memorized Shakespeare's Henry V Battle of Agincourt speeches in Volume 2 completely of his own initiative (and in fact unknown to me until he recited them to me). Literally, we haven't even gotten to those chapters yet in our HS, but he's been listening to the CDs for weeks and appeared at the breakfast table today ready to perform the speeches for me. I was stunned!


So, I would love to find more literary and/or historical speeches or poems dramatically performed on CD. Patrick Henry, Hamlet, whatever... Anyone know of any good ones?

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Here is a thread which I posted asking a similar question on the High School board (I think they know more because of Rhetoric studies)



I think it's great that your son has memorized so much, so effortlessly! :hurray:


Great thread, I will definitely check out a bunch of the links.


Thanks, he is definitely a STRONG auditory learner (totally unlike me!). I'm delighted it comes so easily for him, and I just want to keep him well-supplied with recordings of beautiful poems and speeches for him to internalize. Thanks for pointing me to the other thread, I'm off to follow the links!

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