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I'm still looking for compositon for my ds10


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Can I get feedback? I just need something that teaches him sentance structure, how to write paragraphs, stories etc. I'm doing CLE for LA plus Winston Grammar for additional grammar help. I'm not good at writing myself so I'm nervous about grading his work. Please, please, please help with ideas. I know he needs to learn how to write. He's in 5th grade. I pulled out of PS this year. Thanks :001_smile:


I've looked a little at:

Meaningful composition

Writing Strands

WWE - only looks to be dictation and not how to write.

Write Shop



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This is a fairly new program and I haven't used it at this time, but we do use Growing with Grammar by them. Winning with Writing




You could also try something like this:



or these books:



Good luck.

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I strongly suggest you get SWB's writing lectures from Peace Hill Press. Start with the one for elementary grades and middle grades.


With a 5th grader who was pulled from PS I would start with Writing With Ease 4th grade, or even 3rd. If he did 3rd grade very easily then you can jump up to 5th grade, Writing with Skill, next year when he is in 6th grade.

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We're using Winning With Writing after using WWE for most of the year (started in April). I like the philosophy of WWE but decided to use the principles for history and science and purchase a curriculum dedicated to composition. My child is a two grades younger, but I've reviewed the other levels, and I think we will continue with it through grade 6. I've been very pleased with it thus far and I think others on the forum have liked it as well. It goes step by step through sentence order and paragraph structure (including the various forms). I don't know if it has a creative writing component, but I agree with SWB in that original stories and poems should be a child-led activity. Some people have a creative writing gene; others, don't.

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We're using Winning With Writing after using WWE for most of the year (started in April). I like the philosophy of WWE but decided to use the principles for history and science and purchase a curriculum dedicated to composition. My child is a two grades younger, but I've reviewed the other levels, and I think we will continue with it through grade 6. I've been very pleased with it thus far and I think others on the forum have liked it as well. It goes step by step through sentence order and paragraph structure (including the various forms). I don't know if it has a creative writing component, but I agree with SWB in that original stories and poems should be a child-led activity. Some people have a creative writing gene; others, don't.


I'm interested in WWW. I'm just wondering what level to start with.

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OK, so after reviewing, I'm wondering if it would be good to do WWE (not sure which level) along with WWW to help with some composition. We are planning on putting him back in PS in 7th or 8th grade.


If he hasn't done narration/dictation before, I'd recommend WWE3. I've heard WWE4 is a big step up for dictation (2-4 sentences), which I think would be a lot for a child new to the idea.


I found my initial use of WWE very helpful, but since we've used it for a few months, I found ds unable to create a logical flow to his narration, even with the prompts provided. There is a chance my children will go back to PS as well so I'm using WWW as a " how-to" model for composition. I was getting ready to create my own curriculum until I found a WWW recommendation from SatoriSmiles.


Currently, we are using WWW3 (ds is a third-grader). It starts out with sentence order, then progresses to paragraph order. It follows the traditional 5-sentence paragraph (topic, 3 supporting details, conclusion). It looks like in year six the essay is introduced. If your ds was in PS, he might be able to start in year 5. Although formulaic, I've found these common writing structures are expected on standardized tests and are a good basis for writing in PS high school.


The best thing for your ds is feedback from you on his writing. If the sentence is unclear, the paragraph muddled, or the essay illogical, the best thing you can do as his teacher is to encourage clarity in his writing. For my ds, I pick one great thing, one good thing, and one thing to work on. This way he doesn't get overwhelmed, and he understands that the feedback is intended to improve his writing. I think one reason PS writing is so poor is the student has never had a serious critique of their papers.


A good critic is invaluable. My mother was a gentle, no-nonsense reviewer of my writing and I had a brutal English teacher my junior year. I never received a single paper back from her that wasn't covered in red ink. She challenged my assertions, tore apart my supports, and would line-out any sentences she felt were particularly heinous. In my PS, her students in their senior year were known for their writing.


If you're uncertain about your critiquing skills, I recommend Strunk & White's Elements of Style and Stephen King's On Writing. These books will be very helpful for your ds in high school, so you'll both get use out of them.

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