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Anyone have a Christmas organizer/system??? A way to get it all done without stress?

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I am looking for ideas on how to "manage" Christmas. I sort of want a "countdown timeline," kwim? Something that divides all the tasks (shopping for gifts, wrapping, getting pictures for cards, addressing cards, when to make food gifts, shopping for Christmas meals, decorating the house, etc. etc.) into manageable tasks. I suppose I could do this on my own, but I didn't want to reinvent the wheel.



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I find that those type of lists are too "manufactured" for me. I find them a great jumping off point, but I end up changing them a lot! I'd recommend starting with one of those lists and then changing it to suit your needs.


Write down everything you want to get done before Christmas. Be VERY specific and realistic about how much time each thing will take. Then, work backwards and set up a schedule for yourself.


Good luck!!!

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Oh, good Heavens. I don't even want to THINK of Christmas this year. It will be my family's third Christmas with morning-sick-mom. Why do I keep having summer babies? If this pregnancy is like all my others, I'll be sick till mid-January.


And I learned last week that my entire family will be in town for Christmas, with four family members planning to stay at my house. For a week.


I can barely wash the dishes. There will be no family pictures, no Christmas cards, no homemade cookies, no caroling, no neighbor gifts, a few gifts stuck in bags, I'll let my 8 year old set up the tree, then all the rest can decorate it. That will be the extent of decorations at my house.


My poor kids. I'll go cry now.


Good luck, OP.

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