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Zaycom foods bulk orders?

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Does anyone have any experience? Unfortunately, they apprently pay their online reviewers in free food, so I can't find any honest reviews. :glare:


There is a bulk chicekn buy in a few days within an hours drive, and it sounds like a good deal, but I'd like to know if it tastes good. The whole referral-based, MLM-feel makes me nervous, though. It's not that much cheaper than I can get it on sale, but I love getting bulk of something, freezing it, and being done with it.

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I ordered a box of chicken from them in September. I was an idiot, though, and for some reason deleted my confirmation email. Now, they've completely lost my order. It doesn't look like they charged me, but now I don't get my chicken. :glare: I was really looking forward to it, too.

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I just got my box of Zaycon chicken and it is great. It seems funny to oooh and aaaah over chicken, but this is really good chicken and the price is cheaper than a bag of Costco frozen chicken breasts. I actually wish I had ordered two boxes.


One great tip given to me is to make sure to have a plan for your meat. You're going to get a box of chicken breasts. They will be in a few bags and you'll need to do something with them when you get home!


From a blog I found this book recommendation called Fix Freeze Feast, which is a book on freezer meals. The twist is that this book uses warehouse size (like Costco) meat trays, so each recipe makes 3 meals. I used my Zaycon chicken for 3 of these recipes (9 meals in the freezer!) and then froze the other chicken breasts in zip lock bags.

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