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If you started SOTW later


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it took me nearly 2 years to figure out what to do as I have a 4th grade ds with an August b-day & 7th grade student.


My solution was to plan my high school years (4 year cycle of Ancients, Medieval, Renaissance & Modern) and then to back track.


What we are doing is briefly covering each book (1 chapter per day) and doing 1 outline and a 1 page writing assignment each week (along with the map work) for all 4 books. This next year (8th for my oldest) will actually be Medieval, Renaissance & Modern spending about 60 days on each book.


Like I said, it took me awhile to decide *how* I wanted to approach this. I determined that my main goal was to give my oldest a "taste" of each area in history before highschool.


SWB has addressed this issue in this article: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/starting.php


Hope this helps!

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I started Vol 1 last year with a gr 3 & 4 and we never got far(stayed on egypt studies for the whole year), so now will continue vol 1 with 4 &5 grade(and the Ker to make things easier down the line). I have decided to start with vol and go as indepth as we want on each topic, basically like doing the second rotation as far as depth. and then do another rotation in high school. For me at least it didn't matter how old they were starting out, we had to begin at the beginning kwim

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I would look at doing Sonlight's Cores 6 & 7. It is perfect for middle school! It gets you all the way thru world history in two years. And, the readers and read-alouds really make it memorable.


(You can do their history, readers and read-alouds without doing anything else in the Core.)


Best wishes!


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