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If you use an earning system for tv/WII, what do you require?

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:bigear: Are you using a point system of some sort? Are different things worth different amounts of tv/wii time? Just curious how you're weighting everything.


Right now, I'm just thinking of the things they can do. I'll probably do a point system. How do you do your earning system?

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We include extra chores (they each have set chores, but an extra chore is more exciting when they can use it to buy time). We include school assignments, too, and reciting memorized Bible verses. We also have "random acts of kindness" for brothers and sisters. We have foster and adopted children and it's really fun to watch them trying to outdo each other, surprising each other, etc. It's like that commercial..."I'm going to vaccuum your side of the office.... I can't hear you because I'm making you a smoothie." It helps them bond, especially when there's a new kid in the house.



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Right now, I'm just thinking of the things they can do. I'll probably do a point system. How do you do your earning system?


I'm random right now. I need more ideas too. :tongue_smilie: I'd like to implement a system that is consistent. I was thinking of using tokens in a jar - redeemable immediately or stashable. At the same time, I'm afraid of putting too much value on screen time. So I'm still thinking.

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We've use the program Accountable Kids (google it) for over a year and LOVE it. No other chore system has made it more than a couple months prior to this one!


Basically, I have a list of chores that they do in the morning, afternoon, and dinner. They flip over their 'reminder card' when they've fininshed it. Once all their chores are done for that period of the day, they get a ticket. It can be spent on whatever they choose (we have a list of things they can use them for, and one of those options is 20 mins wii/tv/computer). They also have to do a 'helping hands' once a day of my choosing, and they can earn extra chores for bonus bucks. For really great behaviour, they can earn a best behaviour card, which they use as a ticket. For poor behaviour, I take tickets away.


There's more to the program than that, but, I've got to say, it's just grand to wake up in the morning to two of my kids having gotten themselves dressed, fed, and their rooms cleaned and teeth brushed without me having to say a word!

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We are only able to use it as a reward because it is their "currency."


If they get the school check list for the week completed + their Saturday chores by Saturday. They're able to play for 30 minutes. Let me add there are 5 of them so please don't we're accuse us of being stingy.


Sometimes, very few times, I hang out a carrot of 30 minutes mid week for everyone who's up-to-date on their check list. This is my way of encouraging the ones who are growing weary of doing their school work.

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We also have "random acts of kindness" for brothers and sisters.


I love this idea!


I'm random right now. I need more ideas too. :tongue_smilie: I'd like to implement a system that is consistent. I was thinking of using tokens in a jar - redeemable immediately or stashable. At the same time, I'm afraid of putting too much value on screen time. So I'm still thinking.


Same here. I'm considering a couple of different ipod apps that I think they would enjoy to keep track, but haven't decided yet. I'm making a list in my head of some ways to earn (including chores & schoolwork), but not sure what they'll redeem for (same reason - I don't want that to be what they love enough to work for). I may make screen time one of several options.

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When we were homeschooling, we didn't own a Wii, and I can't remember when we got the GameCube, but I am sure it was not ever used during schooltime or evenon school days if we did own one.


Summer time was about the only time I used a reward system for gaming and TV and they had to earn it by reading or doing math skills. 30 mins of reading equals 30 mins of gaming.

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