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GPA/Timing of Applications

Grace is Sufficient

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I have a student who is doing better in 12th grade than in previous years. Does anyone have any sense as to whether it would make sense to wait to apply to schools until the end of the 1st semester so those grades could be factored into the GPA? (Background info: I'm guessing her cumulative GPA would improve from a 3.26 to 3.32 or 3.33. [sub question: Do those numbers make sense? I worked hard a calculating it all, but my math is a bit spotty!] Her ACT is 30, and she's not applying to upper-tier schools at all, so we're primarily looking to increase merit aid offers.)


Thanks in advance,


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The colleges to which my daughter applied all had firm application deadlines. They also had a mid-year report that needed to be submitted by a certain date. The mid-year report asked for the applicant's grades to that point.


If the college to which the student is applying has rolling admission, it might behoove her to wait until she has her first semester grades; however, merit aid might be awarded on a first come, first served basis. In that case, I would suggest she apply sooner rather than later. I'm inclined to believe that the difference between a GPA of 3.26 and 3.32 is not sufficiently compelling to wait to apply.




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It depends on the school and schools often don't really go into details like this so it is hard to get good information.


However in the few books written from the admissions side of the table (here and here), colleges do not use GPA at all. Instead they want to see class rank and they rate toughness of the course load. They do sometimes look at a a pattern of a student on the edge of their acceptance zone to see if they are doing better or worse over the four years of school.


So, I'm not sure waiting will really help. However, you could include a midterm report of grades in classes taken this fall.

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GPA counts quite a lot at many schools particularly at state universities who are reviewing a lot of applications much faster and as a result may focus more on a quantitative markers. That said, GPAs are typically not as strong a factor for homeschooled students as they may be dismissed as just "mom grades." I don't think that the difference between the two GPAs you mentioned would be a make it or break it factor. I would encourage you to start looking at the deadlines now because you may not have the flexibility to wait until second semester.

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I was coming to the boards to see if there were any postings concerning submission of transcripts in the fall of the senior year - and this post was here!


The college dd17 is applying to requested the trascript be sent by Nove 1, as part of the application package to assure the residence hall of choice. Once we send this in the application process will be deemed "complete".


The rest of the package - academic reference, character reference, vaccination record, and her dual enrollment transcript have been sent. I'm lagging behind and trying to get it done today.

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