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We need something different for Science (1st, 4th, 6th)

Heather in OK

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Tried Apologia Botany. :thumbdown:


The General Science worked well for my oldest last year (and Physical Science this year) that I thought we'd do the elementary books for my younger three. We are all bored out of our minds.


I need something that:

- will work for 1st, 4th, and 6th grades.


- is organized and doesn't require a lot of teacher prep. or making copies.


- is not crazy expensive.


- is middle of the road. Not 100% secular but not 100% Christian. We believe in creation but also evolution/adaptation. We understand that the Bible is not a science book and that science is valid in many ways.



Ready? GO!!!!

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BFSU! :D There is a K-2 book, an elementary book and a middle school book. It is set up as four threads that run through all the books (each one picks up where the last one left off) and each lesson builds on the next. It also isn't expensive (the pdf is only $5 and the kindle version is $10) and the materials are very reasonable, mostly just what is around the house (really! I haven't had to buy anything yet, and that is very unusual for me).


I have the same view of creation and the Bible as you and I am happy with BFSU's approach. I also like it that the author assumes that the children can grasp scientific concepts if they are presented simply. My kids are not bored with this program and neither am I because he doesn't waste time on tedious worksheets or "experiments" that aren't really experiments.


The author has yahoo support groups for the first two books and actively posts there.

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A really cheap option might be to try to salvage Apologia Botany. Is there a way to still use it and enjoy it? Would it help to use the topics covered like an outline, but get books from the library at different reading levels for your dc to read on their own? Does your library have any dvds that would tie in? Could you use it this way and finish it more quickly?

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BFSU is the book Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding by Bernard Nebel. It can be purchased in book form or ebook form. Honestly, I wouldn't recommend it to you, because it does require quite a bit of teacher reading/thinking/prep/coordination. It may be easy for someone who is already science minded, but it'll take more time if science isn't something that comes easily to you.


I'm not sure that what you want exists. 1st and 6th grade are quite far apart. I'd consider grouping the 4th and 6th, but adding in the 1st is going to mean that either you have to simplify a lot for the 1st grader or add a ton for your older ones. That could be a lot of work. Maybe focus on choosing something that'll be a good fit for 4th and 6th, let the 1st grader tag along as much as possible, and/or check out a new (related?) Let's Read and Find Out book for your 1st grader every week.


Have you looked at NOEO or RSO or Real Science 4 Kids? Search archives for more on these programs.


I read a recent post about how another member uses Mr. Q. See Julie Smith's post here. I might consider that, especially her offer of the MP3s so you can do science at lunch time. The first book is free, so no monetary risk. You might need to beef it up some for your 6th grader though. This could be as simple as taking him or her to the library, and instructing him/her to do some more in depth reading in the juvenile or adult nonfiction section, to be discussed with you afterward.


Guest Hollow has a free life science curriculum too (Otter's Science, 2nd-6th), and there's a younger version (Little Otter's Science, preK-1st) as well: link. You might be able to combine all 3 in Otter's Science, and just peek at Little Otter's for ideas to make it more accessible for your 1st grader.

Edited by jplain
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I agree with the PP. As much as I love, love BFSU, it does require some degree of thinking, planning, etc. that I didn't have this year with a new baby. I'm using Singapore Science MPH 3/4, which we like a lot too. Minimal prep (I use the TM). The textbooks are bright and colorful.

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