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Helping Autistic Child with Counting/Numbers

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My dd, age 7, and I are working slowly through Saxon Math K. But this week, we've stopped because I realized she has not learned to recognize the numbers 0-20. I've been having her write the numbers she is having trouble with several times while saying that number and she seems to get it then; but then the very next day she can't remember it. Now, she is going through Saxon Phonics K and doing pretty well. She is able to sound out 3 and 4 letter words with some help and reading the easiest Bob Books, so I know she is capable of learning. Does anyone have any suggestions on helping her learn to recognize numbers? Please help, I am getting a bit desperate.

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I don't know if this will help or not, because my son didn't have trouble with the symbols (except for reversals). His problem was recognizing that the number actually stood for actual objects, and after he seemed to get that, he couldn't really relate 5 to 6, or 10 to 20, despite having gone through Saxon 1 with flying colors.

We are working through MEP 1B this fall, and I have found that for him, the number line has been his key to understanding what is happening with addition and subtraction, and how the numbers are "houses on a street" where addition and subtraction are simply "directions."

When I focused less on "what is 20" and moved to "where is 20", that seemed to help. (He also has fat fingers when it comes to manipulatives, so the number line lets him use a pencil to move in hops from place to place--no more fat finger mistakes.)


Another thing I did with him for number recognition when he was younger was to use a hundred number chart with wide spaces, and we'd do something like BINGO with it, where I'd call the number and he'd have to find it and put his finger on it.

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