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Need a book recommendation (CC)

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This is not my field in any way, but my husband is into this. I will try to remember to ask him tonight. :)


In the meantime, he loves stuff my Tim Keller. Just throwing this out there to help bump up your thread and perhaps get other ideas. Good luck!

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premil, postmil, amil, preterist, covenant theology, new covenant theology, dispensationalism, etc.


You're making me woozy again. ;)



(I'm just teasing you, remembering the last time I saw something similar in one of your posts!)

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You might want to look at a volume on systematic theology. From a nondenominational Christian standpoint, I like Charles Ryrie's Systematic Theology. The tome is thick, but the individual entries are concise. He includes Bible passage references for each point of view.


Keep in mind that you will have to consider the source. Ryrie is a dispensational evangelical and, if I remember correctly, tells you which stance he believes to be correct, which is premillennialist/pretrib rapture. Another popular systematic theology is one by Gruden(m?); I *think* he is postmillenial, so that would be his emphasis.


I love Tim Keller, recommended above, but I don't know if he's written anything about eschatology. Being Presbyterian, I have to guess he's postmillenial.

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I would recommend The Meaning of the Millennium: Four Views. It is a volume in the Spectrum Book Series which takes theological topics and presents differing views in one volume. Amillennialism, Historic and Dispensational Premillennialism, and Post-Millennialism are all discussed. The chapters are written by different authors so you don't have to worry about one author making his view look good and disparaging others.


I would also recommend Vern Poythress's work, The Returning King. It does address multiples views, but it is primarily a brief exposition. It is a wonderful book and the topics in it are deep while being clearly presented.

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I would recommend The Meaning of the Millennium: Four Views. It is a volume in the Spectrum Book Series which takes theological topics and presents differing views in one volume. Amillennialism, Historic and Dispensational Premillennialism, and Post-Millennialism are all discussed. The chapters are written by different authors so you don't have to worry about one author making his view look good and disparaging others.


I would also recommend Vern Poythress's work, The Returning King. It does address multiples views, but it is primarily a brief exposition. It is a wonderful book and the topics in it are deep while being clearly presented.


I JUST downloaded the sample for my Kindle. A friend recommended that one to me. Great minds...

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