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Soaring with Spelling & Growing With Grammar questions 3

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Hi there :)


I have 2 kiddos. I am homeschooling my younger ds6 currently. I wanted to bring home my ds9 (3rd grade), but he didn't want to leave school. Since the market crash, our neighborhood has gone down hill, and with it so has the quality of the schools here. Our 3rd grade math and reading scores at our school are pretty horrendous (both hovering slightly above the 50% mark.) This year, our 3rd grade was down a teacher, so his class size is a huge 28 kids. He is in the gifted program, but is starting to fall behind in math. He has been distracted in class, and I got a call from the teacher today because of his behavior. I am going to pull him at the end of winter break. I wish I would have started with him in HS like my younger. It would be so much easier. They lose innocence so quickly. I can see so clearly the difference in the two. So sad.


Everything I'm doing with ds6 is going so great. We are doing AAS1 and GWG1/FLL1. I wondered, however, if anyone is doing Soaring with Spelling. I'm pretty sure my ds9 would roll his eyes at FLL because he didn't start with it which is why I might consider GWG instead. We love AAS, but I wonder if SWS might be a better fit for my older. I'm trying to piece together what I will do once I pull my kiddo. I'm pretty clear on what I'd do for most everything else. Any advice?

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We switched to Soaring with Spelling (and Growing with Grammar and Winning with Writing) for my 2nd and 5th grader. It is just what we needed..we had tried Spelling Workout and phonics road 2 and 3..

We also do AAS though... I think that knowing the phonograms is a good thing to know.. and we had used Phonics Road 1 prior.. so we are flying through AAS 1 right now...

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My kiddos love AAS but nothing really seems to be "beneath" them unless something is totally for toddlers. They love the interaction with me and it also is an opportunity to not be sitting at a workbook - which gets old when you have math, and grammar, and writing, etc. workbooks.


I just discovered that my son was not retaining any of the 2nd section of GWG3 as he was just searching out how to give answers without understanding the concepts. You may need to do some teaching with the student book (I am beginning to do this). I also do FLL3 with both of my kiddos and they like this. Again it is all about interacting with me - they prefer it that way :)


I've considered dropping GWG and just doing FLL3 but am going to keep moving ahead in both of them since it is something my ds obviously needs to work on, and dd loves to do it.

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we are using SWS and GWG with all 3 of my kids (ages 7, 9 and 11) and WWW with the 2 older kids. We really like all of the programs. I find it is enough practice, without being too much, enough review for retention, and enough variety that they don't get bored. I like how SWS uses vocabulary as well so the kids aren't learning words that they don't know what they mean. I think all 3 are solid programs.

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