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I love homeschooling!

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Today I was able to share with my kids one of my own fondest memories of homeschooling. It is snowing for the first time this year where we live! I always remember my mom getting so excited about the first snow fall. It was always our first glimpse of Christmas magic. Today I was able to share a bit if that magic with my kids. We slipped on some shoes and ran outside to enjoy the cold nip in the air and watched as the white snowflakes fell from the sky and quickly dissolved into the grass. When the cold became to much for the little ones we hurried inside and turned on some Christmas music to continue the celebration. The only thing that could have made it better would have been a crackling fire, warm blanket, and a cup of hot chocolate.:D


It was never the same to watch the first snowflakes of the year fall while sitting at a classroom desk. Knowing that you were supposed to be concentrating on the teacher, but all you were longing to do was to go outside and enjoy the first signs of winter. I love that homeschooling allows the flexibility to enjoy those simple moments. I just had to share my excitement! Thanks for reading!

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Today I was able to share with my kids one of my own fondest memories of homeschooling. It is snowing for the first time this year where we live! I always remember my mom getting so excited about the first snow fall. It was always our first glimpse of Christmas magic. Today I was able to share a bit if that magic with my kids. We slipped on some shoes and ran outside to enjoy the cold nip in the air and watched as the white snowflakes fell from the sky and quickly dissolved into the grass. When the cold became to much for the little ones we hurried inside and turned on some Christmas music to continue the celebration. The only thing that could have made it better would have been a crackling fire, warm blanket, and a cup of hot chocolate.:D


It was never the same to watch the first snowflakes of the year fall while sitting at a classroom desk. Knowing that you were supposed to be concentrating on the teacher, but all you were longing to do was to go outside and enjoy the first signs of winter. I love that homeschooling allows the flexibility to enjoy those simple moments. I just had to share my excitement! Thanks for reading!


Fabulous! I'm hoping that not too far in the future, we will live somewhere where it snows and we won't have to "take a drive" to see it!

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