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What age/grade do your dc keep their own agenda/planner?

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My dd11 is very independent. She will start her work on her own and work until it's finished in the am. If she has questions, she asks and I help. But, she is otherwise very independent. I give her a weekly schedule and she checks off what she completes. I'm thinking about having her keep her own planner for school next year. Some stuff we will do together w/ the other dc, but some she does alone. Any advice on good student planners? Or, should I just keep doing the weekly assignment sheets for her?

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Ds(16) doesn't keep his own planner.


He does put some of the stuff on his iTouch but I have the "master planner." He's not very forth-coming with his stuff (especially electronics, which he thinks I don't know how to use).


The year-end report to the state would be a very unpleasant experience if I didn't have the master planner. (I just have to tell the state what we've done, not how he's done.)

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I have a very independent dd too, age almost 14, and I have tried to implement a planner for her but it feels contrived because she doesn't really need one. She has a calendar on her desk with big blank spaces, and she is learning to write in upcoming Scout camps and things like that on it, but not her schoolwork. She has a timetable /schedule on her desk that I made out for her, but she can do her work in any order she chooses. That seems to be enough.

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If she is independent and organized, it is worth trying. But I suggest that you keep a duplicate for yourself. That way you can keep track without telling her what to do every week. And, if it doesn't work, go right back to weekly plans!


FWIW, I give my 17 and 15yos weekly lists to check off. My oldest still needs the hand-holding. I don't think that my 15yo still needs it but she likes knowing that I am keeping track of her work.


Another thought - you can make the weekly schedules pretty vague. For example, I will just write Math 4x or French 5x on the schedule - they know what they need to do!

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