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Adult who never learned multiplication facts

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I know this is old, but I am looking for some help and came across this post. My dd is 11, 6th grade and first year homeschooling. I learned that she actually does not know her multiplication facts at all. I mean at all. Somehow she managed to get by and slip through, but honestly, she does not know them. :( I also had to teach her to multiply by 10, 100.... I mean, really? She can occasionally space out during the class, so I assume it was not that occasional afterall. So I am going to try daily writing as ereks mom suggested. It's just tough to watch her do finger counting and some major problem solving in her head when I ask "what is 3x7".... Sigh.

When it was time to teach my younger two the times tables I went to a talk by Dianne Craft.  She has wonderful flashcards that takes each times table and makes a picture story out of it.  Didn't work as well for the child that I actually bought them for, but my youngest (who just turned 9) learned them all last year as an 8 year old.  If he struggles with one I just need to say the story name and he recalls the answer right away.  I'd highly suggest them for a student who struggles.

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And some kids (and adults) just don't have a head for memorizing numbers. Both my kids are more than competent at math, but had a difficult time memorizing multiplication tables. It makes me crazy! But, FWIW, I didn't really know them until I was older. I remember learning how to multiply, had no problem with that, and then it was just assumed that we would memorize them. Some kids took to it like a duck to water and I did...not, lol. It took lots of extra work but I did do it some time in high school, once I was past the middle school lazy years.


I also have a difficult time memorizing rules to games.  I am great with memorizing poetry, songs, dialogue in plays though.


I think one of the nice things about home schooling is that we can take time on things our kids find difficult and approach them in ways that work for them.

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I was just cruising right through this zombie thread when I noticed Kalanamak's post. Whoa. :sad: :sad: :sad:


And a few other old friends that have gone MIA.

Yes, the exact same thing just happened to me...I didn't realize it was an old thread until I saw Kalanamak's post...


It made think of her and miss her presence here...

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