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Which do you think is best for the children:

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What do you think is best:

Looking at their lessons on the computer?

Or having it printed out?

What about reading books on the computer?

Or having it printed out?

Is it bad for their eyes?

Some of the material I have on cd is hundreds, most likely thousands, of pages.


Personally, I don't like reading long documents, papers, page after page,

on the computer and I much prefer holding paper and books in my hands.


How long is too long for a kid to sit reading at the computer?

This is desktop computer, not laptop, not kindle, not anything new in technology.:tongue_smilie:

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I think it completely depends on the child.


Both of my children do MUCH better when they use a computer. I have one that not only does better but thrives using a computer for her lessons. She is dyslexic so she is severly limited by what she can actually "read" but because of technology, she has access to anything. She can have text read to her, she can watch videos etc...


My son, who is very bright and has no issues, also does MUCH better when his lessons are on the computer. In fact, this is the first year that we finally switched him to an online curriculum. He is thriving and doing very well!


I do know that some kids wouldn't do as well with a computer though. Like I said originally, I really think it just depends on the kid.

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IMHO, reading on the computer is hard on people's eyes. If you have to do it that way, perhaps you could get a radiation filter (we got one at Staples >8 yrs. ago; I assume they still exist!). They work on desktop monitors and helped me have fewer headaches when using a computer at work.

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Thank you for your opinions and experience.

When computers were first being used at the newspaper where I worked, everyone in the editorial dept. ended up wearing bifocals within 9 months. It was that hard on their eyes.

I wondered if children's eyes were not affected as badly as adults.

Josie, you're not old. It just seems that way because there are so many women here having babies and talking about potty training.:tongue_smilie:

I can just picture myself using reams of paper and having to get a new ($$$) ink cartridge for the printer.

LAS, Really,the radiation filter helped you with not having headaches? That's interesting. We do have a better screen than we used to, I assume the radiation filter is built in.

justamouse, do you like having *kindle*?

The cd I have, which I've been avoiding using, is curriculum for k-12. It uses McGuffy readers from 1880s, other "ancient" school text that seems classical to me, such as Word Building by Reed and Kellogg. There are scores of old books on it as well. Copies of original text.

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