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VP history memory cards--How do you use them? Can you use them independently?


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These cards intrigue me. I wonder how you use them. We are doing SOTW, but I would like my dc to memory history facts. Do these work for this purpose? Or do you have to use them with a program they are intended for? I read that it is used for Classical Conversation, which I have no idea of. Please enlighten me. Thank you!

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I got the song cd to go with them. It's obnoxious, but it helps them memorize the facts. I also read the back of the card when we get to that section in history. We are using them with SOTW2 this year. The kids still remember the song from last year so we get out all the cards and go over them in order about once every 2 weeks or so. I think it's a good review.

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If you go to You Tube, you can type in "Timeline cards hand motions Classical Conversations" and you will see a ton of different ways to memorize the timeline cards in order. There is a handmotion that your child can memorize to go with each card and go all the way through the timeline from beginning to end. My kids are memorizing them through CC but as the Director I found the hand motions that I liked on You Tube and we are using those as a group. I model the hand motions and teach the titles of each timeline card and they have memorized 4 weeks worth already and they love it!


At home we will go over a card or two in depth at home reading from some of our history books and they love it!

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