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UGH, what do I eat?!

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Since my doctor has yet to tell me what I should/should not eat, I am at a complete loss.


I avoid the obvious (fried, high in fat, dairy) but even some foods I can tolerate on some days can't be tolerated on others. I eat corn flakes, rice milk, pasta, ground beef, and rice cakes on a regular basis. Yesterday I had pasta for lunch (about 1 cup, which is 1/4 cup more than a serving) and I was nauseous all day. It did have some olive oil, more than I usually put by accident, but I don't think that was the cause. Idk if it was the serving size or just a coincidence. I woke up this morning feeling nauseous so I ate a small bowl of corn flakes and felt better. About two hours later I began feeling nauseous again so I had another small bowl of corn flakes as my mother and I are going food shopping soon so I needed something gentle to eat.


I wonder if I am getting nauseous when I'm hungry :confused:


Yesterday though, I had just eaten and felt nauseous all day. So, I don't think that is right.


I just don't know. I am so frustrated. Some people tell me to eat whole wheat while others say white only. Some tell me to eat high fiber while others say low fiber. Some people say grapes are bad for sensitive stomach while others say they're good. I don't know!!!


I'm scared to eat anything. I do eat, because I have to, but I dread meal times because I am so sick of eating the same things and because fear sets in. I just don't know and no one can seem to help me. I won't see the GI until October 13th, and even then he probably can't tell me what to eat because we don't have a diagnosis other than colitis (all biopsies fine though), GERD, and small hiatal hernia.


I don't know what foods to eat anymore. Pasta was my safe food, now I'm scared to eat it. I know anxiety probably makes the problem worse, but meal times make me anxious. While I'm cooking and eating, I wonder "will this make me sick?" I feel so defeated and hopeless and helpless.

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Ask your parents to take you to a nutritionist. Your doctor should not have a problem referring you if that is necessary.


I'm assuming they can't help until we get a diagnosis. I don't think they can blindly suggest foods because even I don't know what bothers me since it changes depending on how I feel that day.

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Is it your gallbladder? I only got DX with a Pipida Scan! I did NOT have stones and the CT and Ultrasound where negative. I couldnt eat anything you are listing. I was down to grilled chicken and white rice. Maybe a few veggys...no salads, no fat, no wheat...I was able to handle Kashi cereal for some reason...and plain raisin bran. No yogurts, no cookies...no meat at all. That was the worst 3 months I have had. I had constant pain and nausea with everything I ate.

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Is it your gallbladder? I only got DX with a Pipida Scan! I did NOT have stones and the CT and Ultrasound where negative. I couldnt eat anything you are listing. I was down to grilled chicken and white rice. Maybe a few veggys...no salads, no fat, no wheat...I was able to handle Kashi cereal for some reason...and plain raisin bran. No yogurts, no cookies...no meat at all.


Gallbladder removed in August '09 with no complications.

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Did you have stones in 09? My mom has had rebouts of the stones even after the gallbladder was removed with same symptoms. I didnt have stones so I dont know how they felt.


I guess though, it is something new...I would recommend the chicken and rice...maybe mix it up a bit with different veggies. BUT....I wouldnt add spices. I am sorry you are dealing with this. I hope your drs. figure out what's going on soon! I cried everday trying to figure out what I could eat! :grouphug:


Lots of broths sound good!!

Edited by mchel210
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I'm assuming they can't help until we get a diagnosis. I don't think they can blindly suggest foods because even I don't know what bothers me since it changes depending on how I feel that day.


Actually, I think it is worth a call. I bet they CAN help you identify the foods you best tolerate and the ones least likely to cause further upset. You know your symptoms even if you don't have a diagnosis.


I just visited the nice nutritionist last week again after a 5 year hiatus. I needed a refresher on meal planning (I'm diabetic with obnoxious food allergies). She was VERY knowledgable about food and digestion as well as diet planning. Best part was that my insurance HAPPILY paid for the visit without giving me the usual run-around.

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I had gallbladder "attacks" which are stones moving through the ducts, but they looked into the ducts before closing up and didn't see any. I know people can still have stones in their ducts, but this illness is completely different from the attacks. I have no pain in my abdomen, more like nausea, gas, constipation, general discomfort in the lower stomach, sour stomach, acid that feels like it's eating my stomach if I haven't eaten for awhile, and heart burn, but at the opening part of the esophagus. With my gallstones, I was having what felt like severe gas buildup. I would roll myself into a ball and not move until it passed, but it was horrible. Also, vomiting.


We're calling the GI tomorrow to put us on the cancellation list in case someone cancels, but I doubt that since it takes so long to even get an appointment.


I'm so worried about eating tomorrow morning. Meal times freak me out. All I've eaten today was corn flakes, baby rice cereal (yup, this was a last resort for lunch and this even made me nauseous), and more corn flakes. Also had a handful of white grapes. Corn flakes don't bother me too much except the lower esophagus heart burn, but I can't live off of them either.


I'm so scared to eat at this point. After eating I have nausea which is accompanied by a weak feeling if the nausea is really bad (like when you have a stomach bug) and just general ick.

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