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Can't Find Teaching Textbooks!! Help

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So I have checked TT site and also Sonlight... $119. for TT4. I have checked ebay and amazon and a few online sites as well. I am NOT finding many homeschoolers selling this used and I just can't afford the $120 right now. Is there another way to purchase TT without forking over that much $$ that I am missing?




How about Vegsource? I think I saw some there . . .




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It definitely takes some patience to find it used! Sounds like you have a good "in" already since somebody said they will be finished next month- i would jump on that if I were you lol.


If not, you can try posting "want to buy" ads here and on vegsource and browsing the "for sale" ads in both places, too, and be prepared to keep checking/bumping regularly. They seem to sell fast when they are listed!


Good luck!

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