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Singapore Essentials K question


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My daughter already has her numbers 1-10 down and has done various number, same/different, and more/less worksheets. After looking at what each one covers, I was wondering if we could start with B, or do you think it is important that we start with Essentials A? I just don't want to spend half a year doing stuff that we already know because she has been complaining that her 1-10 counting activities are too easy.

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It won't take you a semester to go through A. My 4 year old did it this summer, and he only worked on it 1-2 times a week.


I think you could safely start in B, but of you do A, make sure you ask why the child has chosen that answer for some of them. There are often multiple possible answers. :)

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I've got B on the shelf but haven't looked at it. We're a good chunk of the way thr A right now. The early part is more matching, identifying differences, basic logic. It has moved (where we are) to primarily counting, but that includes writing #s. Does that make a difference to you?


Dd can do it easily w/out help, but she's still at a stage where she finds that thrilling, & writing the #s is hard for her. There's also figuring out how to read a graph, putting the #s in order...


I don't know if any of those details help, though. :tongue_smilie: GL!

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