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How do you(mom/dad) feel about and respond to a sick child(ren)?.....


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bums me out.


I appreciate it when people coming over mention...Hey, you know we were sick a couple days this week and there is still some lingering crud. Is that ok or should we reschedule. Sometimes, if we've just come out of a stretch of sickness I'd rather not chance it, but if we are at 100% Is am just as likely to say ok. We are more conscious of handwashing in such cases.

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I guess I'm somewhere in the middle. When one of us has a fever or has been throwing up, we stay away from people until there's been no fever or vomiting for 24+ hours. When one of them has the sniffles (without fever), we generally go about our routine, unless we know we're going to be in close quarters with people, in particular those whose immune systems may be compromised--the elderly, the very young, etc.


When the kids were babies/toddlers, whenever they were sick, even if it was only the sniffles, we kept them away from the church nursery or other situations where they would be around other little ones, and expected the other parents to do the same (although more often than not they didn't :glare:). As the kids grew older, it became less of a big deal. Littles don't know to cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze, and they often share slobbery toys, so the germs spread a lot faster among young ones than older ones.


It irritates the stew out of me, though, for parents to say, "She was throwing up during the night last night, but she hasn't thrown up this morning, so we brought her anyway," or "He had a fever this morning, but I gave him some Tylenol and he's fine now." Grrrr!!! I heard both of those a LOT when I was a PS teacher, but also at church and a few homeschool outings.

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Well this is something I feel strongly about so here goes...

I do not like it all when people bring their sick kids around our family--especially the stomach virus which stays under fingernails and in the body/shedding skin for 5-7 days or so after symtpoms disappear. I find people bring their kids out because they are bored or have cabin fever, but this it totally selfish and irresponsible. Once I had a 'friend' bring her kids to lunch with us when the daybefore they had been vomiting with a stomach virus(unknown to me at the time). I told her how unhappy I was, not only for our family but for the fact that we were supposed to be going that day to visit my chronically ill, immuno comprimised mother who catches everything. I am careful who I am around before visiting my mom...and this is the thing, you do not know who you will come into contact with after being sick--someone immuno-compromised, someone with cancer, wtc...it is not loving, imho, to place others in jeopardy of catching your sickness if you don't have to.

That being said, a small case of the sniffles is one thing, nasty snot and a fever or a stomach virus is another.

Another case in point, my child came home with 5th's disease, caught from school(before we took them out), and when my husband got it, he ended up in the hospital for several days..it is highly contagious and fairly harmless to kids but rather vicious in adults.

Well that's my two cents--I have had several trips to the hospital over 'viruses' and with a very sick mom, I am highly sensitive on this topic.

Now that I also have a child with gluten intolerance who violently vomits with the slightest bit of wheat..well we have a lot of 'sick' days here, and so I am very sympathetic to sick children(contagious or not)...just not so happy with the grown-ups choices sometimes.

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I'm unphased by illness and germs, generally speaking. I don't take my kids out when they are or have been vomiting, nor would I take them out with any of the diseases one typically vaccinates against. If they have a cold, we carry on as normal, unless they are disgustingly snotty or coughing violently, in which case we might stay home for a day or two.


When my kids are healthy, I don't much like being around other people's coughing, snotty kids, but I accept it as "one of those things" and try to get a bit of extra sleep, as I know I'll have my own chorus of coughing kids disrupting night-time peace in 48hrs or so!

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I'm bummed for my kids when they get sick because...they're sick and I wish they didn't have to go through it.


OTOH, it builds immunity, so it's technically a good thing.


It bugs me when moms bring their sick kids out...1. Let the poor child rest, and 2. While it builds my kids' immunity, it's still kind of rude to not consider other folks' health as a reason to stay home.


When I'm pregnant or we have an >1 yo, we stay home a lot throughout the winter because I get sick while pregnant and just do not want something else to deal with, and one of my kids caught RSV when she 11 months old and it's really messed up her lungs, so I try not to take any chances at that happening again.


If I'm not pregnant and we have no babies, then we get out as much as we can!

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