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First Day of VT

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So my daughter had her first day of VT yesterday. I was not happy about the way it turned out. It was a different VT than the one we met last week and there are two in the office. They do two kids at a time in the large VT room and due to HIPPA policies parents are not allowed in the room with the kids during therapy when another child is in the room. So when I got there I had to wait out in the waiting room during her therapy. Then the VT came out and gave me some sheets with information and a string with beads on it and tried to show me how to use it and I had no earthly clue what it was or what I was supposed to do with it. I had a few other exercises I was supposed to do with her at home and we tried them today, though some of them I did not understand how or what to do and I admit I am pretty frustrated.


At tomorrow's appt, I will be making it known that I need to have an appt. time when no other children are there with my daughter so that I can attend the VT therapy and see what it is that we are supposed to do at home. Not understanding how to do the exercises is a waste of time for all of us.


Hopefully they will work with us!

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I had to ask for written instructions because I would always forget by the time we made it home. I would always end up calling the next day to make sure I was doing it right. In the beginning I would also be asked to go back to the room with ds for the last 5-10 minutes so they could show me what they did and what I needed to do. Usually the exercises I was told to do at home were things they did not do during therapy.

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I always spent about 10 minutes at the end with the therapist showing me how to do the exercises, and I had paperwork describing how to do the exercises as well. I never sat through a whole VT session.


Definitely ask for more explanation/clarification and tell them when you don't understand something. Usually, the VT had me trying to do the exercise myself for a moment, so that I would understand what dd was supposed to do. Doing the homework correctly is so critical that it's well worth a few extra minutes to get the instructions right - I hope they can take the time to do so.

Edited by wapiti
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Steph, just so you know, sometimes putting several people at once in the room is INTENTIONAL. It adds a certain amount of distraction, stretching their ability to apply their skills in situations besides a perfectly quiet room. If you've ever known someone who HAS to have quiet to do their reading or writing, you know why this is important.


However they should have explained the tasks better. My dd had a notebook with an assignment sheet in the front and writing explains of every single exercise. Like at your place, I sat outside. However there was a clear window so I could have watched if I had wanted. The therapist always took the last 5 minutes to explain things.


I think it's confusing to you because it's the first day. You don't need to see these exercises to be able to help your child. ASK YOUR CHILD what they did and have him show you. Absolutely you should have been given written instructions, totally agree. But I don't think you need to be in that room, really and truly. If your child doesn't have a clue how to do the task, then they didn't explain it very well. And honestly, you WANT your child to step up to the task. You want him/her to mature, grow, take on some responsibility, and make it his task to remember how to do his work. VT is ultimately something the child does to himself, not something you do for him. So let him step up to the plate on this.


It's always overwhelming the first week. It's like getting a new, huge curriculum choice. You thought it was what you wanted, and now it's all confounding and overwhelming. But in a few weeks you'll get all snuggly, wrap your brain around it, and fall into a routine.


If they didn't explain something well enough to you AND your dc can't explain it when you ask him/her, then CALL or email the place. Be a squeeky wheel. But I wouldn't get too freaky. What you're describing can work, honest. The more important thing is whether your child felt comfortable with them, whether they got a lot done, whether the feedback from the other parents was good, whether they have clear methods of evaluating progress. Those things are more important.

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BTW, I was just remembering this. I did sit in on the very first session. I concluded my presence there was a DISTRACTION and causing them to waste valuable time. It's not about the parent, and the parent doesn't need to be there. It's about the child interacting with the therapist and stepping up to the plate, doing the tasks, taking control of his ability to control his eye function, being accountable. You want your child to own it.




But then maybe you don't talk as much as me. I realized I was just a distraction. I was glad to be able to see through that glass, just to know the demeanor was positive and that everything we fine, kwim? They should have a closed-circuit camera. They actually had *two* observation windows at our place, one to the patient lobby and one to the offices, so they were totally accountable and above-board.

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I've never been given the option to observe a session but I also know that would be distracting. However, I would not be happy that my session was being shared with another client. Our office has 7 therapists but they are very good about not having more than one person in a room doing therapy at a time.


Our sessions are an hour long plus 15 min at the end to discuss with me. She talks about progress and hands me our homework instruction sheet. She also demonstrates any new tasks for that week and has me return demo to be sure I understand.


Also, if you had a different therapist this time then last I'd suggest asking who your regular therapist is or perhaps choosing who you want to see each time. We met with 4 different ones and felt the one we chose had the best rapport with our son. I think all of them at our clinic would have been terrific but there was something special between her and our son.

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Thanks guys we are going back today and I will be talking with the VT about spending 5 minutes with her showing me how to do the exercises. I need time to understand what it is I am supposed to do and she DID give me written instructions but they were not clear. My daughter understood a little bit better what she was supposed to do than I was which I think was good and she did great even with the little I understood that we were supposed to do so I don't feel it was a total flop. But I need more than a 2 second explanation.


Also, the VT did say that i could come back and peek in the room at any time that I wanted to see how things were going. I just couldn't be in there the whole time. That makes sense about why I shouldn't be there. I just wanted to see HOW they did the exercises so that I can do them correctly at home. I think after today's visit that will be different. They are super nice people. But yeah I was not expecting how they did it at all! LOL


Thanks everyone. You have made me feel a ton better. I'll let you know how it goes today. We are taking our 5 year old to get her vision checked as well because our ped's office would not do it last time since my daughter did not know her letters then and I want to make sure she can see well as we are teaching her how to read!



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I am in the room for every session and actively involved because I need to help with some of the exercises at home and also I need to check to see that they are being done correctly. We are also sent home with instruction sheets for every exercise, and an exercise log sheet. Dd is 17, so that may be the difference. I do see parents of young kids waiting in the waiting room while their kids are in VT (one stated that it goes better with her out of the room).

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Thanks everyone. Yes, today went much better. We got there early and I spoke with the VT. She went over some of the exercises with me more thoroughly and had me try them so that I understood what we were doing and how. Part of the problem was I didn't understand what I was trying to accomplish and now I get it. Whew.


My daughter went in with the VT today alone and I checked on her a number of times without a problem. During one time I checked on her, my daughter whined to me that she was tired and wanted to take a break and I said, "Good, that means you're working hard! I'll be back to get you soon!" I think having me not be in the room is the best thing for her after all.


I brought my 5 year old with me and had the optometrist check her eyes and she checked out perfect without any need for glasses. And next week i am bringing my 7 year old as she keeps complaining that her glasses do not help her and she says she doesn't need them. So she is getting checked out too. I really, really like this optometrist!


Thanks for the suggestions everyone and I feel 100% better now! We will be doing 20 min. a day of exercises and I am much more confident that this can be successful now that I know what I'm doing! LOL

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