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Doing a child's work for them

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Some of those projects sound less like work for the kids and more like the school is trying to enforce parental involvement. Wonder how that works for kids whose parents think homework should be the child's responsibility.


I had 1-2 major projects a year from 3-6th and my parents helped some(with organizing and making suggestions), but it was my project and my job to get it done.

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When my dd was 3, her preschool had the class do small posters (at home) of what they were thankful for at Thanksgiving, and bring them in. No further instructions. Hers was the ONLY one that featured shaky lettering and crayon drawings of her family with giant heads, lol. The rest were obviously done by an adult, either with fancy craft supplies or on the computer. For most of them, there's no way the kids even HELPED, because everything was absolutely perfect.


What was the point?? There were no grades in preschool! It's not like a 'poor' performance was going to keep them out of prek4, jeez.


Is this any different than the parents who 'OBVIOUSLY' make their kids AWANA Grand Prix cars and then the kids win 'best car' award? I'm sure this is a different thread. . . . . . . .starts in the home and carries through life.. . . and we wonder why kids have no ethics!

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My dd19's stepmom always helped her on big projects and papers. She was a teacher in the school and didn't want to be embarrassed if dd19 didn't so a superlative job. She also wanted dd19 to remain in gifted classes so she could be an honors and AP student in high school and then go on to a nice college. That was her justification. It sure never made sense to me!


:001_huh: Wow. Me either. Wow.

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I think it depends, too, on the district that you live in. Our previous district is notorious for projects. So many projects are assigned that the parents have to be involved or their child will fail. Some parents do the projects for their kids, some hire outside help to do the projects, but most do a modified project.


For example, one project involved putting together a scrapbook on the presidential elections. The parent I know bought the scrapbook ($20 apiece and every parent bought one except for one kid and his was marked off for not having a 'neat' appearance). She cut out pictures and printed articles off of the internet. She put together the scrapbook and had her daughter read the articles and write a two page report independently (though my friend proofread for errors). In my friend's opinion, buying a scrapbook and cutting out pictures would not make her daughter any smarter. She also wasn't comfortable letting her google around for articles. Reading and writing the report made the most sense. I agree.


In this same district (and same parent), her son has so many projects, papers and tests coming up, she is checking him out of school right after lunch today so he will have a couple of extra hours to finish his schoolwork. It's ridiculous that she should have to do something like that.


One of the worst projects done for this district involved her son doing a study on bats. He had to make a bat poster, write a 3 page report on bats, write a two page report on how bats hunt, identify different types of bats (scrapbook) and characteristics of each and then make a 3-d sculpture of a bat. This is one teacher, one class. He had several other classes with tests, papers and projects.


:iagree: This is ridiculous. Sounds like there needs to be more awareness on the part of each teacher as to what the other teachers are assigning, and when it's all due.

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Some of those projects sound less like work for the kids and more like the school is trying to enforce parental involvement. Wonder how that works for kids whose parents think homework should be the child's responsibility.




Not to mention the kids whose parents have to work, or can't read, or have no money for materials, or who have no parents...


There are really a lot of disadvantages to homework.

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