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Vision therapy training vidoes on YouTube!!


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Misty, what we did with the string was more extensive. I don't think it will hurt to do the exercises in the sense of messing things up. You should know we didn't those as the first thing we did. Some kids are not going to be ready to jump in like that. You should also know that, for kids for whom this is a problem, it can be extremely HARD or even painful, causing severe headaches. So while it won't hurt in theory, it could literally, physically hurt. And that could create a turnoff to your dc being willing to do other VT exercises.


Personally, if you want to do VT stuff at home, I would search out this book http://www.amazon.com/Developing-Ocular-Visual-Perceptual-Skills/dp/1556425953/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1317049327&sr=8-1 Indeed there are tools like the brock string and some other things you need. I haven't seen this book in person, but I'm assuming it would give you some of the precursor skills so you dc can do EASIER tasks first. Like I said, if your dc is at all intractible or likely to form an opinion and not change, I think it would be very important to build up with easier tasks first. Can your dc currently cross his/her eyes? The Brock string requires quite a bit of control to implement. There are easier tasks that will help him/her develop more control so that the brock string will be an easier next step.


Those looked like students btw, like they were making youtube videos to practice their presentations for a class or something.

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Thanks OhE.. I'm starting to think I should just bite the bullet and take her to vision therapy.. It's just sooo far away and sooo expensive and sooo time consuming (the drive mostly).. But most of all, dh hasn't given me the green light yet. He just doesn't understand the significance of it all and since he has been deployed for most of the past 5 years, it's sort of hard to get that through to him. His latest "solution" is to get this program but it's nearly $1000 and we are currently saving up for his return-from-deployment Disney vacation AND we are buying for Christmas right now.. Arghhh!!


Why does VT have to be soooo expensive???? :crying:


Okay, I'm done whining.. My dd is getting vision therapy starting next spring come hell or high water!:D

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My two cents is that if he says you have the $1K now for that other program (which we have no feedback on and which wouldn't give you the PERSONAL interaction many kids need to get over extremely hard humps), then you should start now and do as much as $1K will get you. There *are* ways to save some money with the VT. Basically you stretch out the appointments and work your butt off with homework.


See to me, given the long drives you're talking about and the limited budget, I would consider doing once a month. So you go once a month and do two sessions in one day or one long, however they work it at your place. Let's say that costs you $150. That means that with the $1K you currently have you could get 6 months of therapy. And make them give you lots and lots of homework to do during that month.


Now I'm going to say something else, and I think I'm wise here. Save that Disney trip as the reward for finishing the VT. Ask my how I know. You WANT a reward. You want something big and uber-motivating to keep her going if it gets rough. No one can say how it will be for your particular dc. Mine had astounding headaches, and it took bribery beyond what I've ever had to do for ANYTHING. So please, don't go to Disney first. Do the VT first and tell her when she's DONE and does everything the doc says, then she gets to go to Disney. And every day start that session talking about Disney.


BTW, I hate to ramrod a man, but you have to know you're right. Don't let him be cheap on this. You'd rather do less sessions and get the personal help. My dd had SUCH a hard time with the process and the headaches it caused and whatnot, I can't IMAGINE how quickly we would have given up. The PERSONAL interaction of dd with the therapist made all the difference. That therapist had gone through VT herself and knew how to explain to dd exactly what was wrong. She could see all the OTHER things that were going on in the dynamic and help her. There's nothing like a live person. I would do less sessions with an awesome live therapist rather than buying a $1K book. If he wants a book, this book is $40. http://www.amazon.com/Developing-Ocular-Visual-Perceptual-Skills/dp/1556425953/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1317049327&sr=8-1 But again, I'm telling you you WANT the live therapist. Really and truly you do. There's so much you don't know. You don't know how to explain things, how to help them when it hurts and know if you're doing it right or wrong. You don't know if the hurt is a good sign or bad. You don't know how to help them. And frankly, *you* don't want to be the one taking the brunt of that in your parental relationship.


Can we say that again? We moms already do enough hard stuff with our kids. We're already struggling enough with them confusing their personal relationship with us with the hard things we have to make them do (schoolwork, etc.). Do we REALLY have to be the bad man on the VT too??? Does he REALLY know what he's asking??? I don't think he does. You want the VT to be the bad man. You want to be able to say do it cuz she said so. The dc will often work harder for that other person than you. My dd got done in 1 hour with our VT more than I could have done in a week with her, and I joke not. It was ASTOUNDING. It's not worth ruining your relationship over. Let the professional be the bad man on this one.


Why I'm going on about that, I don't know. Like I said, I'm not normally a husband-thumper. But in this case, I'd do a little thumping. ;)

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Ok, I just realized I was really mean to say that about Disney. I understand your finances aren't there. How long will he be back? I've never been to Disney, so I'm jealous. :) Anyways, other than finances, would it work to do the VT first and then do Disney? Figure out your timeline and compare them. See, in your shoes, given that it's a paycheck likely to come in every month, I would consider doing the Care Credit program to finance it, bust your butts and get the VT done even if it makes things nutty for a couple months, and then go to Disney before he leaves again. Then pay off the VT for the following months. See I think that Care Credit thing had incredible generous financing, like no interest during the therapy and low after that or something.


It's just something to check into. Like I'm saying, a reward at the end would be really, really motivating. See what you can figure out. Did they give you an estimate on the VT? Ours was 3-4 months on the basic stuff (convergence, focusing, etc.), and we came in literally right there. You might be able to work that out. Then we took a trip, came back and did the visual processing stage. Honestly, after that 3 months of hard work we NEEDED that break, lol. So something like that might work for you too.

Edited by OhElizabeth
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I'm with OhElizabeth on this book http://www.amazon.com/Developing-Ocu...7049327&sr=8-1 if you really want to try "at home" first.


I also agree with the go once a month and do lots of homework if you can do that. We've been given LOTS of stuff to do at home - not just the homework, but also ideas from what they've done at DD's appts (some of the exercises would require expensive equipment but some can be replicated at home pretty easily).


Our weekly VT over the summer (8 appts + orig exam) only came out to $1000 - and the real advantage IMO is how they tailor it to the exact things needed.

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OhE.. You are so right about it not being a good idea for me to do a pathetic attempt at VT at home. I have envisioned how hard it would be for me to implement these things in my home with absolutely no knowledge (even with a home program) and it's just NOT GOING TO WORK. The headaches is something I didn't think about. I was doing some convergence exercises on myself yesterday and it gave me a headache.. So I can only imagine.


And you are totally right about my dh too.. He has NO IDEA what I go through on a daily basis. To add VT to the mix would just be ridiculous. His response to that will be "I'll do VT when I get there then" :lol: He's such a tightwad.. How do you suggest I respond to that?


The Disney trip is non-negotiable. Dh has been gone for 5 years (with twice a year visits) and once he returns he will be home to STAY FOR GOOD. No more deployments. This is our "Daddy-is-home" celebration. And we have to do it on the exact dates that we have planned due to his leave time allowed between assignments.


Okay, I had no idea you could go to VT just once or twice a month. Can you really do that? Every time we've been evaluated, they've told me that she needs to come at least once a week or twice a week for best results. Can I really be in control? She is now only having issues with mild convergence. Her tracking has improved, according to her most recent eval. So we may not need as much therapy as I think. I'm going to call around to the different VT places and see what they say.


And I do have a Care Credit pamphlet that the VT gave me. I've been looking at it and pondering. I think I can make this work.. between Care Credit and going only once or twice a month.. This could totally work.


I have a few VT places to choose from. Which do you think I should go with?


1) Newer place that is still learning, but very cheap - $75 a visit. 30 minute drive.


2) Established place with excellent reputation - Something like $150 a visit - Requires $300 in-depth eval (we've only done a surface eval). 1 hour drive.


3) Established place with good reputation - $120 a visit. Requires $300 in-depth eval. In the area where I shop and where we attend co-op so would be easier to fit in.

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Oh don't worry, I have an answer for the dh: ABSOLUTELY he's gonna do that VT! *He* can drive her to appointments and *he* can sit there for 30 minutes (or more when they drag their feet and stretch it out every night) doing homework. BY ALL MEANS, LOL!!!!!


But that's a little nut-so to think he can create a VT program himself, mercy. That won't work. And I would never spend $1K on that other program when you have three good options so close. That's just not logical.


You need the full eval, because it shows all the issues and allows them to quantify your starting point and gauge progress. If you don't do this, you won't have any benchmarks for comparison. I would be extremely hesitant to use a place that didn't require a full eval and would just launch in. There may have been a misunderstanding there. In the full eval they put numbers to everything, but they also screen for things that can affect her ability to be successful with the VT (retained primitive reflexes, etc.). They may refer you off for OT. You need the full eval.


Now for chosing between those three places (which are all much closer than I imagined from your earlier comments!), did you clarify the length of time for those VT sessions at those prices?? It might be they're all about identical if the $75 place is a 1/2 hour and the other two places are 1 hour sessions. Places all word things differently. You need to sort that out.


Who did the eval you've had so far? One of these docs or someone else?


My inclination, in your shoes, would be to visit the three places, meet the docs, meet the therapists actually doing the therapy (could be a doc, could be a separate VT, depending on the practice), SEE THE ROOM, see what place your dc clicks with. If you have quirky kids, that can be especially helpful. You may find one of them has a set-up that works much better for you. You may find that the small practice has only the doc doing it and that your dd hates the doc. You need to know that. And it's not crazy to meet them first, before investing all that money. Our place had parent nights once a month. I think Michele visited her place ahead. Just be a bit stalwart and try it. It will probably tell you a lot, especially seeing the room where they do their VT. A lot of it though rides on the people and your dc being able to work with them (or NOT work with them). If one of the places has a COVD-certified therapist (hard to find), that also would be persuasive.

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Of course they want you to come in that often. Not only does it result in the best progress, but it's $$ best for them. That's not rocket science to figure out. They're dealing with all kinds of parents, all kinds of situations, and not everyone goes to appointments or helps their kids do their homework. You're used to being proactive, and you're going to do great at implementing the homework and making things happen. You aren't scared to teach your child.


So you just have to have an honest talk with them about billing and homework and spaced appointments. Each place has their own billing plan, so you want to talk about that too.

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I just applied for CareCredit on-line and was approved!!!! Yippee!!! I called the 3rd option doctor (from my previous post) and they do accept CareCredit AND we have an appt. THIS THURSDAY!!! We are going to do the free consult first and then we will dive in with a full eval after we see where the free consult leads us. I'm so excited!! Thanks for your help OhE! I'm doing this without Dh's knowledge.. I'm going to e-mail him tonight and tell him I made an executive decision. :D

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