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Is it a bed bug bite??? (please tell me it isn't!!)


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I don't have any pictures, but my DD has gotten, what I presume to be, two bug bites in the couple weeks, one on her hip, and one on the side of her thumb. They started out as small red dots, then swelled up like goose eggs, still very red, with a ring of white on the outside. The first one she showed me shortly after she woke up one morning, saying she woke up with a "boo boo". The second one wasn't brought to my attention until the middle of the day, so I don't know when the bite happened.


It's only been *two* bites, and they were nearly a week apart. We have been playing outside and going to parks and such a lot this month, but then that's been true all summer and she never had any bites.


Is it bed bugs, or just a run-of-the-mill spider/some-other-harmless-bug bite?


ETA: The one she got on the side of her leg swelled up *very* large, almost like another knee. The one on her thumb was about the size of a large grape.

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I should probably mention she's on the top bunk, so I guess clearing out any cobwebs on the ceiling would be better than vaccuming under it, as my DS (who sleeps on the bottom bunk) hasn't had any bites. :lol:


But ya, bedding into the laundry today!

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If you aren't seeing clusters of bites, it probably isn't bed bugs. They typically feed more than once during a night, so you'll see clusters of 2 or more bites. What you've described sounds a lot more like spider bites.


My kids are both hypersensitive to mosquito bites, like their dad was when he was a kid. We put on a little Benadryl cream 2x per day, and that seems to prevent the goose-egg size reactions. If you try that, I suggest using the brand-name cream, which is thick and paste-like. DH once bought generic. It was a lot more lotiony, and I don't think it worked as well.

Edited by jplain
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