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That's it! Back to Math Mammoth! Maybe?


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I promised I wasn't going to switch. I promised. But as my son worked through Singapore PM I found he wasn't retaining as much as I wished. We finally had to go back to Math Mammoth Blue to shore up some gaps.


I LOVE Singapore, LOVE it. But Math Mammoth...it's so good. It's what I always go back to when we need extra work or reinforcement.


And I'm a little tired of having to supplement Singapore. Can't I just use ONE program and be done with it?


So maybe I'll just stay with MM. He enjoys it. He retains it.


My only worry is that I'm also in love with Singapore DM and it's what I want to use with Harry when he's older. But MM should be a good fit for transitioning into that I think. I have an email in to Maria Miller about that very subject. I'll see what she says.

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After using Singapore from the very beginning, we just switched the two oldest kids to Math Mammoth. There is more review (a sigh of relief). That was one of the biggest peeves I had with Singapore. And honestly, MM looks almost identical to Singapore (to me it does), but with more review problems. My kids were able to switch programs without any problem.

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MM is a good compromise between the foreign and American practices upon which we learn math. Keep in mind that MM is a mastery program too. Your ds may be accustomed to this approach and require it. You could always enrich Singapore through purchasing additional resources.


MM is a very logical approach. Does Singapore have an inductive approach much like Saxon? This may be a problem too. I mean that it would require you to determine how to find a solution based up on the series of previous problems. You take what you learned from three previous problems to reason how to find the answer. MM is more deductive. You work a Math Mammoth problem based on the steps that you were shown directly. Again, it is a much more logical resource.


If I remember Bill correctly, I believe that Singapore requires inductive thinking to find solutions.

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I asked about using DM after MM a little while ago:



Will you post Maria's response if she's ok with that?


Yup! No problem.


Harry did ask for the "fun" math today meaning Singapore. I think the workbooks are a little more engaging, but I'm going to stick mostly with MM. It just plain sticks where PM doesn't. *sigh* I really do love, like complete sentimental attachment here, both programs though.

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I asked about using DM after MM a little while ago:



Will you post Maria's response if she's ok with that?


Ha! Just noticed I even responded to that thread saying that you'd have no problem. Funny how I can have confidence one day, none another. :D

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