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My dd6 isn't ready for it yet, although she's watched a few videos with me and caught onto multiplication before we covered it in our math program. Even so, I think I'll wait until next year until I have her use it. By then she'll be grade 3 and will be able to go further with Khan. Also, Singapore Standards math Level 3 is up on the video list, which is really cool.

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If Singapore Standards math is up on site, does that mean that is your textbook or most things covered? (Our son is in 4th, would we be able to find 4th grade Singpore here?)


Also just wondering how to get started with Khan. I've been on the site but I'm just not sure where to find things. Videos and also problems. I've heard that there are problems on there where they earn points or something for achieving different streaks and levels of difficulty...is that right, and how would we get started.


Would love to get started on this, just not sure where to begin. :)

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It's just Singapore Standards 3A so far, although it says he'll finish the whole Singapore curriculum.



"We will (eventually)do all of the lectures in the Singapore Math curriculum (which we like). You can follow along through the workbooks available at singaporemath.com"


Oh wow, I'm speechless. This just made Singapore math exceptionally more valuable, in my opinion. I just watched most of the first video and cannot wait to add this into our math studies. As luck would have it, we are finishing up CWP2 and will be starting Singapore Standards 3a in about a week. I can't believe I'm giddy over math videos!

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I've heard that all of Singapore will eventually be on the site. I was thrilled to hear that and got all excited. Then it occurred to me that he may have some problems with copyright. He does take problems straight from the text. Unless they get permission and pay the publisher, I wonder how it will be legal for him to continue to put out the videos. I would love to see it though.

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Hmmm, I've only been using these videos myself as a review. You guys are making me rethink letting my daughter view them this year. I suppose I can't see why not. :)


Create an account for her and a coach one for yourself. She may move slower, but my DS6 Angelo just got he own account in July. He loves it.

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